Chapter 7

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Sara's POV

After she got done expaling. My mouth was catching flies. I can't believe they kissed..

"I'm not mad at him because he didn't know I have a boyfriend." She rubs her temples. "I'm mainly mad at my self."

"Who though? It isn't like Derek never cheated on you." I scoff.


"Alana, just think of it as your secret payback." She thinks it over for a minute.

"Yeah. That makes me feel less guilty."

"Okay well lets go get Louis and Harry." She nods. We both walk out of the bathroom. I spot Louis and Harry out in in the main room. We walk up to them, Louis go to my ear.

"Harry told me what happened. Everything okay now?" I nod.

"We already bought the tickets so lets get popcorn and stuff." Harry says.

"I'm so paying you back." Alana adds.

"Yeah me too."

"No you aren't! and niether are you!" Louis play shouts. "We don't mind paying for you guys." Me and Alana groan in deaft. We get popcorn, drinks, and candy. Me and Alana snatched the sour patch kids and ran. Harry and Louis were running after us.

"Sara wheres the movie?!"

"Um." I quickly look around the room. Then I spot it. "There!" We quickly run in there and pick a spot where they wouldn't find us. It looks like we were the only people in the room. Alana hands me her OBEY hoodie out of her bag because I was cold. She put on her HIPSTA PLEASE hoodie. We both hear the door open and put the hoods over our heads.

"Where did they do?" Louis.

"I seen them come in here?!" Harry.

"I guess lets sit down." Louis sighs. It was silent. Too silent. Me and Alana look at each other. She shrugs her shoulders. I turn my attention back to the screen.

"BOO!" I feel something touch my arm from behind.

"NOT TODAY." Alana hits Harry in face. Louis laughs. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." Alana gets out of her seat to see if he is okay.

"Love. I'm fine, it doesn't hurt." He reassures her.

"We should get to our seats." Louis says. We all nod and go up to the top. I really hope we are the only people in the theater today. Me and Alana were in the middle of Harry and Louis. She sat next to Harry and I sat next to Louis. The movie starts. YAY. We are the only people!

Louis starts poking me repeatily. I start poking back. I stand up and poke him one last night and run around the room. I ran around for a couple of minutes until he caught me.

"GOTCHA." He threw me over his shoulder and carried me back up to where we were sitting. He put me down. "Now stay!" I cross my arms over my chest and pout. I pretend to ignore him. "Saraaaaaa." He tries to get my attention. "Sara?" "Saraaa." "SARA." "SARA ELIZABETH BECKMANN IF YOU KEEP IGNORING ME I WILL RAPE YOU."

"it wouldn't be rape..." I mumble under my breath.

"What?" He looks at me smirking. Oh god not the smirk.

"I didn't say anything?"

"Mhm. Suuuuuuuure." I heard Alana giggling. I turn my head to look at them. They were having there own conversation. He also had his arm around her. Her and Harry turn to look at me. I wink at them. They both flip me off and turn there attention back to the movie. She looks way happier and acts more happier with Harry. Yes, it sounds bad. But it honestly the truth. Derek and Alana mainly just hold hands. They cuddle every now and then but mainly hold hands.

Louis puts an arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. He was so comfortable. It was like laying on a teady bear.

Alana's POV

Me and Harry were cuddling, talking , and having a good time actually.

"Alana I'm sorry about kissing you earlier. I didn't know you had a boyfriend."

"Harry it's not your fault." I reassure. "I wasn't mad at you. I was mainly mad at my self."


"Because I shouldn't have kissed you.. But I did."

"Why did you knowing that you have a boyfriend?"

"I don't know... You made me forget about him." I knew he wasn't trying to smirk. I could see it at his lips. Ugh those soft lips.

"Hmm." He turns his attention away from me and to the movie.

"He was gonna come today. But he didn't.."

"Why?" His attention is now back to me. I could see his greens eyes light up in the darkness. They were so beautiful.

"I umm.." I was at lost of words. "He said he just couldn't.."

"I see." We stopped talking and watched the rest of the movie. The movie ended. Me and Harry stood up. I noticed Louis trying to wake up Sara. She stands up sleepily and yawns.

"You all want to go get ice cream?" Louis asks helping her function. They are so cute that it hurts. Ugh. Wish Derek was like that. We walk out of the theater and out to the loby. As we were walking out of the place. I noticed Derek was walking up. With someone. He had his arm around her waist. She was giggling and blushing. He quickky pecked her on the cheek. I decide to walk over to them. Ignoring the others calling me. I step right in front of Derek and the girl. His eyes go wide.

"Fuck." He breathes.

"Who are you?" The girl next to him asks me. I knew she wasn't trying to sound rude. So my anger wasn't towards her.

"Oh hi I'm Alana. Derek's now exgirlfriend." Her face turns red.

"You have a girlfriend?!" She pulls away from him.

"Uhh." He had no words to say.

"YOU JERK!" She slaps him and walks away. As if on cue. Harry walks up. Along with Louis and Sara. But right now, I ignore them.

"I thought you couldn't hangout today." Sara's eyes widen.

"What are you doing here Derek?" She scolds him. He was about to speak but I cut him off.

"He was coming to the movies with another girl." I tell her. "But, let's go. We have better stuff to do." I turn around. "Wait, one more thing." I turn back to Derek and slap him in the face as hard as I could. The same spot where the girl slapped him. I turn around to leave and walk next to Harry.

"Fucking bitch..." I could hear Derek say under his breath. Harry stops in his tracks turnings around to face him.

"What did you say?" Harry begins to walk up to him.

"Harry c'mon." I try to stop him from walking. "Harry please." He turns around to face me. His face softens.

"Okay love." We walk away leaving Derek standing alone. Me and him get into my car. It was silent. Until he decides to speak.

"Was that your boyfriend?"

"Yeah." I try not to cry. Yeah I hate him. But it hurts. A lot.

"I'm so sorry."

"Not your fault." Sara texts me telling me what ice cream place we were going to. I reply to her an 'okay'.

"Can I.. Erm.. Take you out tomorrow?" I turn to look at him. Did Harry Styles just ask me out? "It's not a date... Unless you want it to be?"

"I'd love that." I poke his dimples. Making him smile. He poked me in the cheek. I giggle. He does it again. I put my hand down next to his. Our hands brushed each other every now and then. Then before I even notice, we were holding hands. I look over to him then down to our hands. I blush.

I think I have a crush on Styles.



Now that I have an iPod I can update as much as I want to !

Much love ❤

Laynaa ❤

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