Chapter 9

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Sara's POV

As I waited for Louis in my room. My dad walks in.

"Sara I want to meet him before you leave." He tells me sternly.

"He isn't coming in my room." My dad laughs and walks away. I text Louis.

To: Lou❤

Hey my dad wants to meet you . Is that okay ?

I love how Louis responds to me immediately.

From: Lou❤

Of course:) Ill be there in 2 minutes.

I put my phone down and run down stairs. I scan around the house to see if there are any messes. Okay looks decent. I hear a knock come from the door.

"I'LL GET IT!" I run towards the door before anyone else could. I fix my hair before opening the door to Louis.

"Hey love." He greets me with a tight hug. I hug back. I take Louis into the kitchen to where my dad was.

"Dad this is Louis." My dad turns around and shakes Louis' hand.

"Hello I'm Sara's dad."

"Hello Sara's dad I'm Louis Tomlinson." They stop shaking hands.

"So where are you taking my daughter?"

"I'm taking her to Laser tag and I promise to bring her back in one piece." He tells him. They both laugh. Well. I guess this is going good. My dad looks at me with an evil grin plastered on his face.

"Would you like to see her room?" Louis say no. Please say no. Oh god. NO.

"I'd love too." He smiles. I glare at him. He winks at me playfully. We walked up stairs to my room. I put my head in my hands in embarrassment. Oh god. My dad opens the door to my room. Louis hugs me and rubs the back of my head. Louis and my dad were in hysterics.

"Sara it's okay.'' He whispers to me.

"Ugh can we go now?" I pull out his hold and close my bedroom door.

"Yeah go on." My dad waves us off as we walked down stairs. We get outsider to Louis' car and I climb in. He turns on the music.

*skip car ride*

We pull into Laser Blaze. I've never been to laser tag. So this should be fun. Louis hands me a vest looking thing and a laser gun.

"Put it on love." I slip it on. I try clipping it. God this thing is complicated. Louis put his on like it was nothing. "Need help?" He asks me. I nod. He stands in front of me clipping the buckles. When he was done he looked up to me. We both stared into each others eyes. He was taller than me so I had to look up.

"We better uhh." I gesture to the room.

"Yeah." He said turning around. We walk side by side into the dark room. The only thing you could see was the neon lights around the room.

"Okay so whenever you see someone you laser them with your gun. If you get shot 3 times. Your out." I nod. (A/N: I've never been to Laser Tag so if I got it wrong sorry c:)

"When does the game start?"


"NOW!" He yells he runs off. Oh crap where do I go!? I run behind the neon. Cylinder thingy. I spot someone walking towards where I am. I pull my laser up to my chest hoping I wouldn't get shot. They get closer. I step in front and shoot them. YES! They fall.

"Ow!" Oh my gosh did I hurt them?! Crap!? I run over to them.

"Oh my gosh are you okay!?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." The persons voice was boyish. I held out my hand to pull them up. Once I did. His face was centimeters from mine. I could see that he had green eyes and blonde shaggy hair. Let me just say he was cute. Looked about my age. "Thanks."

"Anytime." I tell him.

"You sure your okay?" I ask him again.

"Erm." He lasers me. "I am now!"

"Hey!" I yell back then we run behind stuff and start lasering each other. He is laughing.

"Okay okay." He steps out from his spot. He lowers his gun. "Truths?" He holds out a hand.

"Truths." I shake his hand.

"Wanna get everyone out?"

"Let's do it." We team up and run around the place I haven't seen Louis yet.

"What's your name?" He asks me.

"Sara. You?"

"Jessie." He smiles. Woah he has a pretty smile. I open my mouth to talk but he converts it. He mouths 'shh'. I shut up. "There's someone coming." He points to somewhere. We stay quiet until the person is in view.

Louis' POV

I've already shot six people so now I have to find two more people. I haven't seen Sara yet which was weird. She was probably hiding. I hear people whispering. So I go over into that direction. They all of the sudden shut up. I creep closer. Then Sara and some guy jump out of no where. WHO IS HE? WHAT IS HE DOING WITH MY SARA!? THATS MY SARA! They both shoot me. CRAP. I duck down behind something. I could hear light footsteps coming around the corner. It was Sara. I jump and tackle her. I was top of her. She was giggling and biting her lip. Oh god. I'm not going to even explain the things that went through my mind. As I was about to

shoot her. The dick shot me. (Oops sorry I meant the guy**)


"Games over!" People shout through the room. I groan getting off of Sara pulling her up to me. Her crashing into my chest. I chuckle.

"Love you hungry?"

"Yeah, see you around Jessie!" She waves at the boy.

"Wait can I text you?" He smiles stepping in front of her. She nods handing him her phone. After typing a few things he hands it back to her and hugs her tightly. They pulled away from each other.

"Bye Sara." He winks at her. I pull her away before she could even say goodbye.

"Louis! Wait! I want to say bye to him." She whines. I just ignore her and take her to the car.

Sara's POV

Louis is acting weird? He is being way more flirty. Ever since he seen Jessie. We were now at the hotel in his and Harry's condo. But now he was quiet.

"Louis what's wrong?"

"Nothing.." I would argue for him to tell me. But I don't feel like it. We were on the couch watching Bridesmaids. All of the sudden Louis turns my head to face him. His hand cups my cheek slowly caressing it. Our eyes staring into each others.

Then his lips crash into mine.




Lara? Sassie?

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Much love ❤


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