Chapter 11

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Sara's POV

"Sara.." Alana says in her morning voice.


"We have to go meet the boys at Starbucks we need to get up."

"Hmpakzhsnzh." I sit up looking at my phone. It's 10:34. We have to get ready to go meet the boys at Starbucks.

"I have nothing to wear. Can I borrow something?"

"Yeah hollup." She gets into her closet pulling out jeans and a shirt for me. She hands me them. I slip them on and brush my hair. I'm just going to leave my hair natural. Ugh. Why can't I be pretty? Me and Alana argue all the time about this. She thinks she is ugly but I think she's gorgeous. I think I'm ugly but she thinks I'm beautiful.

"Ready?" She asks twirling her keys on her finger. Alana was wearing her old high school hoodie with matching sweatpants. Her hair slightly curly.

"Yeah let's roll out." I try to sound ghetto. We both laugh at my attempt. We walk outside to her car and climb in.

*skip car ride*

We walk into Starbucks and spot the boys. Harry and Louis wave us over while smiling. We sit down. I sit next to Louis. Alana sat next to Harry.

"Morning Loves." Louis waves.

"Morning." Me and Alana sing in unison.

"I'm so tired." Alana slurs laying her head down on the table. Putting her head in her arms.

"Nooooo!" Harry whines trying to pull her up. Me and Lou chuckle. "Get up soo I can see your face!" Alana rises up and smiles at him. Harry smiles back at her scooting closer and putting an arm around her. She lays her head in his shoulder.

I think this cause for a picture. *wink wink* I pull out my phone and snap a picture while they aren't looking. As soon as the picture was taken, their heads to look at me.

"Can I see it?" Harry asks. I hand it to him. Harry smiles at the screen. He taps it a couple times and hands it back to me.

"What did you do?"

"I sent it to my phone." I nod. I look over to Louis who was just starring off into space. What's up with him? He has only had one word.

"I'll go get our fraps. What do you girls want?" Louis asks standing up.

"Chocolate Carmel Frap." I tell him.

"Cotton Candy Frap." Alana chirps. Louis walks off.

"Harry is he okay?" Harry shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. He was fine last night. But he has been giving me and he boys the cold shoulder this morning." I look down at Alana who was asleep on Harry's shoulder. I gesture down to her. Harry looks down at her smiles and kisses her on the forehead. I see a flash go off in the corner of my eye. I'm guessing Harry seen it too. We both look in that direction and see paps.

Louis comes back to the table and puts the Fraps in the middle of the table. Louis notices the paps.

"We should go back to the hotel." He says getting up. Harry pokes Alana in the cheek trying to wake her up.

"Hmmmm?" She slowly opens her eyes.

"We are leaving. Come on love." She gets up grabbing her Frap and taking a sip. Harry walks by her side with his arm around her waist. Harry texts the other boys to tell the limo driver to pick them up.

Louis holds out his hand. I take it. "Sara don't let go of my hand."

We walk out the door to flashing lights and questions. I cover my face with my Frap. Instead of getting into Alana's car. We get into the limo. When we get in we notice the other boys were in there.

"Hey Sara and Alana." They all say. Me and Alana give them a wave. Louis faraway from me as possible. What is wrong with him?

*skip car ride*

We get into the hotel room. The others decided to stay over with us.

Louis still hasn't spoke to me nor has he even looked at me.

I'm getting tired of this. Alana and Harry were on the couch playing concentration.

"Harry where is Louis?" I ask them.

"In his bedroom." He speaks quickly. "Down the hall first door on the left."

I get up from the couch and walk towards the door. I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hear Louis from inside the room.

"Sara. Open up."

No response.

I open the door and slam it.

"Louis! Why are you ig-" I cut my self off. He was only in a towel. His hair dripping wet. His v-line visible. Steam coming off his body.

Oh my.

"Why have you been ignoring me..." I breathe out.

"What are you talking about?" He snaps at me but trying to sound innocent a the same time.

"Oh please. You have only said two words to me this morning Louis! Usually you don't stop talking. What did I do? What's wrong? Tell me?"

He sighs in frustration. "Sara. Can I at least get dressed then we can talk?"


"I promise." I nod walking out of the room. I wait outside the door.

Few minutes pass and then Louis opens the door.

"Can we talk now?" I groan.

"Yeah but can we do it in my room? I don't want anyone else listening." I nod walking into his room. He shuts the door making his way towards me. I sit on the bed sitting down next to him.

"Okay for starters. Sara. I really fucking fancy you." He admits. "I honesty think I'm falling for you. But, the age gap is getting in the way. So, last night before I went to bed, I thought about the kissed we shared. it was amazing. But then. Our ages came to mind. I got mad at my self for kissing you." I open my mouth to speak but he puts his hand on my mouth. "I know I should to probably stay away from you. But I can't Sara." His hand leaves my mouth.

"I still don't get why you ignored me?"

He sighs. "I thought that if I ignored you it would help. But it doesn't. I can't help my self. I really like you."

"You like me..?" His head turns to face me.

"Since we bumped into each other at Starbucks."

"I liked you ever since." His eyes widen.

"Really? You do?" I nod. "Why didn't you tell me!?!?"

"I was scared at you only seen me as a friend. And that it would ruin our friendship if the feelings weren't mutal."

"I like you way more than a friend." He puts my hands in his. "Sara I would love to date you. You don't understand how much I'd love to call you mine."

"Louis we can't." I look up to him.

"Why not?"

"Age..." I whisper. "The only we could date is if you waited."

"Okay." Wait what?

"Okay what?"

"I'll wait." He bluntly answers.

"Your going to wait 4 years? For me?"

"Sara." His lifts up my chin. "You are Worth The Wait." Then he kisses me.


AWWWW! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

But uhhhh I can't update as much cuz school started for me. That's why I haven't been updating because of school. But I'm trying my hardest to update often.


Love yoooou❤


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