Chapter 30

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Louis' P.O.V.

"You actually think I cared about you? Thought I loved you or something? You're so naive."

I do love you, don't believe what I'm saying! Is what I wanted to say.

She finally looked at me. I could see tears forming in her eyes. I seen her hand start to twitch.

Slap me, please. I deserve it.

"Aw, are you crying? Sorry sweetheart. You just got a taste of real life." I managed to put a smirk on my face.

She raised her hand and slapped me in the face, hard. I stumbled back a bit, holding my cheek.

"I hate you! I hate you so fucking much, Louis Tomlinson!" She screamed in my face before going inside, slamming the slide door shut. As soon as she's out of sight. I cry. I clasped to the floor and sobbed.

I'm such a dick. Why did I say such awful things to her when I didn't mean them? I don't want her just to get in her pants. I want her heart. I do love her. She isn't naive at all. I care about her more than anything. More than my career to be honest.

Then why did you do this? My subconscious snapped at me. You know you love her so why did you do it?

I don't know why I did that..

Sara's P.O.V.

I need to get out of here. I need to leave this beach house. I can't be here with him.

I actually thought he cared about me.. I even thought he could've even loved me.. He absolutely broke me. I can't take this.

You actually thought I cared about you or something?

You're so naive.

Sorry sweetheart. You just got a taste of real life.

I continue to sob in the bathroom. I locked my self in here to get away from everyone. Away from him. I just wish all this pain would go away. There's so much in my mind that I'm about to burst.

I eyes land on a new razor, sitting there on the shower shelf. No I can't do that.

You know you want to. Do it to get the pain out of your head. It would feel good.

I take a deep breath before reaching for it. I open it and look at the blades on it. They shine when the lights reflect off of them. I begin to break it apart and separate them.

I chose one blade and sit on the sink. Grabbing a hand towel and bite down on it. I pick up the blade from the sink and place in on my wrist. I take a deep breath before digging it into my skin.

I scream loud into the towel, but not loud enough to where someone would hear me from the outside.

I watch in awe as the blood begins to drip from the cut. I don't even feel the pain there, it feels amazing.

When the blood stops oozing from the cut, I put it under the water to wash the blood away. Once done, I move the bracelets from my other wrist to the one I injured. I unlock the door and open it, walking out.

I go to mine and his room and grab my suitcase from the bottom of the bed. Going over to the dresser, I practically throw my clothes out of it and into my suit case.

"Sara?" I hear Alana whisper from the doorway. I turn around and look at her. She looks at me worriedly.

"Why are you packing?"

"I'm leaving." I said blankly.

"Sara, don't leave."

"I can't stay here. I can't be in the same place as him. I don't want to look at him or hear his voice. I'm leaving."

She runs a hand through her hair, biting down on her lip trying not to cry. "Where are you gonna' go?"

I shrug my shoulders, zipping my suit case and stand up. "I'll find somewhere. I have some money I'll probably go to motel or something."

"Please don't leave. Don't let him do this to you! I need you, Sara! You're not going to survive out there alone! At least let me go with you!" She says between sobs. I bit the inside of my lip, holding the tears that are wanting to build up.

"Alana, I need to go." I say before grabbing my suit case and walking out the bedroom.

She nods, wiping her tears away with the hoodie she has on. "Be careful, please. Call me when you find somewhere to stay or need me. Please."

She hugs me, making my shoulder wet from her tears.

"I promise I'll call you." I reassure her.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Eleanor's P.O.V.

It worked

My smirk grows as I hear the situation that's going on the balcony. I hear a big smack sound and I'm assuming she slapped him.

"I hate you! I hate you so fucking much, Louis Tomlinson!"

I hear the slide door slam shut. Then I hear Louis sobbing like a little baby. I decide it's my turn to make an appearance.

I walk out of my room and down the steps to the slide door. Louis was sitting on the floor with his head in his hands, crying. I tap on it which caused Louis to look up at me. I open it and step outside, closing it behind me.

"For fucks sake." I hear him whisper as I sit down next to him.

"What happened?" I asked innocently. He looks up from his hands, running a hand through his hair.

"Someone sent Bryan a picture of me and Sara in the room. H-He found out how old she was and forced me to end it with her." He cries harder and puts his head back in his hands.

I sigh, "I'm so sorry, Louis.. Do you know who sent it?"


I do.

"It's going to be okay, Lou. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be, ya know?"

"I loved her, Eleanor! For fucking sake I love her!" He screamed in my face. "When everything is going fucking perfect someone just takes it all fucking away from me!"

"Calm down.." I put my hand in his hair, rubbing his head gently. Eventually, he calmed down and laid his head in my shoulder. Eventually he fell asleep.

I don't see how you don't feel bad. You deserve to be in hell for being so selfish. My subconscious scowls at me. I shrug my shoulders at her while smirking.

Why feel bad when I got what I wanted now?

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