Chapter 31

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Alana's P.O.V.

"H-Harry.." I manage to say through sobs as I walk into our room.

He jumps out of the bed and rushes next to me. His hand find their place on either side of my face and his thumbs wipe a few tears away, "What's wrong?"

"Sara.. She left."

His eyes practically pop out from his head, "What?"

"She said she needed to go. That she couldn't stay in the same place as Louis." I made a face when I said Louis' name.

"But, she's so young." He said underneath his breath, "She won't survive out here in Australia."

I sigh sadly, "I tried to stop her.. She said she would call it she needed anything.. But I'm so worried.."

His eyebrow furrow and he bites his lip, "I know where she will go."

"Where?" I raise an eyebrow.

He grab his phone off the bed and dial in a number and turns on the speaker button, "Hello?"

"Ashton! Hey you busy?"

"Nah man. What's up?"

"Okay, well, you remember sara from the concert?"

"The blonde one?"

"Well she's left and I was wondering if you can go out and find her? A lot happened and we are really worried.." He explains, "She won't survive out here alone."

"Of course! Got a clue on where she could be?"

"Erm," He hold the phone away from his ear, "Alana could you text her and ask where she is?" I nod, quickly typing down a message to ask where she is, "Hold on, mate." He tells Ashton.


My phone goes off and I press her message,

From: Sara

I'm at this bar down the street to charge my phone.

"She said she at a bar down the street charging her phone."

"She's at a pub down the street. I have no clue what's it called." He says to Ashton.

"I think I know where she is. I'll text you when I get her."

"Thanks Ashton. I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it." He says then hangs up.

"Is Ashton going to get her?" I wipe the mascara stain from under my eyes.

"Yeah. He'll take her back to the hotel with him."

I raise an eyebrow, "They won't try anything, will they?"

"I know Ashton and Calum wont, but I don't know about Luke And Michael. They're very sexually active." He scratches the back of my head, "I'll talk to Ashton about it, okay? She'll be fine."

I give him a small smile, "Okay, I think I'm about to take a nap."

"And I'll join you." He climbs under the covers with me, wrapping his arm around me and we both fall asleep.

Sara's P.O.V.

"Hey sexy, how are ya?" A man about I his mid 30s asked me.

"I'm fucking 16, pervert." I snapped at him, which put a scowl on his face. If looks could kill I'd be 6ft under.

"You got a filthy mouth on ya'." He p

begin to get closer to me.

"Get away from her!" A thick Australian accent shouts at the man. I turn around and meet dark hazel eyes, "Sara c'mon."

I don't question it, I just go with him. I unplug my charger from the wall, grab my suitcase and walk out with him.

He offered to take my suitcase and I let him. He unlocks his Jeep and I climb in. He gets in and puts my suitcase in the backseat. He starts his Jeep and begins to drive.

"So," I break the silence, "How'd you know I was at that bar?"

He looks at me then at the radio, "Oh, I was actually going to meet somebody, but then I remembered you and seen that creepy drunk trying to hit on you."


About a few minutes later, Ashton silently singing and tapping the steering wheel to the song that was playing lowly.

"What song is this?" I ask him.

He looks over at me, "Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon."

When I look back at him, I kind of got lost in his hazel brown eyes for a second, "It's a pretty good song."

"Yeah it is." We just look at each other while the music is playing throughout the car. I'm not sure why I'm just staring at him and admiring his beauty, but I am and I don't care.

Ashton squeals like a girl when the car behind us honk their horn. I immediately bellow in laughter so bad that tears come to my eyes.

"Stop laughing at me!" He pouts.

I wipe my tears away and regain my breath, "I'm sorry. That was just really adorable."

"Thanks." He smiles widely, continuing to drive.

Harry's P.O.V.

I came into the kitchen and ate left over pizza me and Louis brought in after I took a nap with Alana.

I hear someone come into the kitchen. I look up to see Eleanor on the other side of the counter, across from me.

"I know what you know." She narrows her eyes at me.

I take a bite from my pizza, looking at her confused, "What?"

She scoffs, slapping the pizza out of my mouth, "Don't fucking act like you don't know what I did." I think over of what she might be talking about, did I miss something?

Wait? Fuck!

"You're the one that ruined Louis and Sara's bloody relationship!" Get up from my seat and stand really close to her. "I didn't think you would go so slow." I can tell by her eyes that I'm scaring her a bit, but she's too stubborn to show it.

"I do anything to get what I want." She smirks while I yank my wrist from her grip.

"Wait until I tell Louis." I turn around to go to his room, but Eleanor grabs my wrist.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Her smirk grows. "You don't remember that little incident I caught you doing, do you?"

I freeze, "You don't have proof."

"Oh but I do." She pulls her phone from her back pocket and sways it back and forth in front of my face. "I recorded it. So if you dare tell Louis. It's bye bye reputation." She walks off then stop before going into the hallway, smirking at me.

"You wouldn't." I say through gritted teeth.

"Try me."

I turn around when she leaves my sight. My jaw is so clenched that I'm afraid I might break it. I run a hand through my hair, breathing deeply.

No one can know about what I've done.

No one.

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