The Beginning

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Camila ~
            I couldn't even fully comprehend what is going on right now. I come home to our apartment early to surprise Shawn since I've been in your so long and he has the nerve to actually sleep with another woman when I'm gone. I open the door to surprise him, but he's the one that surprised me in the end. He is naked on top of some blonde chick. To think, I thought that he actually loved me. Oh how stupid I was to think that.
My eyes flushed with tears as they streamed down my face. I collapsed onto my knees and my face fell into the palms of my hands.
"Oh my god, Camila!" I looked up to see Shawn roll off of the bed and put on his boxer briefs. The girl he slept with took no time to cover herself up in OUR COVERS. Why bother? You've already made yourself a slut, you might as well be confident about it.
Shawn sincerely walks over to me and starts apologizing.
"Camila! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."
He put his hand on my shoulder, but I quickly swiped it off.
"For what!? Me finding out you've been cheating on me while I'm away?! Or are you more sorry about yourself for getting caught."
I wiped the tears on my cheek away and shoved Shawn away from me.
"I'm sorry, Camila! I really am. I should have never done this."
"It's already too late. You were the one who made the decision. YOU!"
I turned around and started heading towards the door. I wanted to leave this wretched place. I could barely breathe in here.
Shawn ran in front of me and blocked the exit. Why does he even try to redeem himself?
"Camila, please, baby, I love you. You're my life and soul. You're the only thing that keeps me going-"
"Obviously I wasn't the one who kept you going in her."
"Camila, please, just allow me to explain myself. Please!"
In frustration I threw my purse to the ground.
"FINE," I walked into our (do I even call it ours anymore?) living room and sat on the brown stained couch," LET'S TALK."
I bent my knees to my head and buried my head in the crevice in between. I didn't want to be unfair and not allow him to talk, then again I've seen everything I needed to see.
"Camila, I never meant to hurt. This was stupid of me and I'm sorry."
"Sorry? SORRY?!"I took my head out and looked at his face " What would you have done if I didn't catch you, huh? You wouldn't have said ANYTHING!!!"
"Camila! Wait! I love you ." He sobs as I get up from the couch and grab my purse. As I open the door, I turn around and look at him.
"And to think," I say as I squeeze the door knob," I thought you actually love me."
He whimpers words I can't even hear to me, but I immediately slam he door shut.
He doesn't love me. Am I that easily controllable? Does everybody think that they can do whatever they want without hurting me?

I actually thought I loved him.

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