The Wait

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Camila ~
           I sat at the edge of my bed, impatiently waiting for him to come back home. It's already 4:19. If he really was going to the store, he wouldn't take his long. My cheeks heated up as I tried to fight the tears. I stared at my phone, contemplating whether or not I should just tell him we're done. I just don't want to see his face again. Fuck. I love home dearly and the fact that he would go against me like this makes me regret my decision of trusting him. I'm not making the same I did like last time. I'm not forgiving him.
I walked over to me desk and grabbed my stationary out. My hand held onto a light blue pen shakily as it ride against the paper. I'm not coming back.

            You lied to me. I trusted you and now I don't know what to do. Trust isn't a candy wrapper you keep in your pocket just eventually throw it away. Yet, that's how you treated it. This is the last time you'll see me. I hope that one day you'll learn the errors of your ways. Don't try to call me or come and get me. It'll just make everything worse. My love for you was once as great as our trust. You can guess how that worked out.
I love you. Keep me in your mind, but forget everything about me you piece of shit. I'll be everywhere but nowhere.
Bye Love,

As my tears dripped onto the paper, I flattened the paper down and laid it on the wooden desk. This is the last time I'm seeing this old thing. The last time I'll be seeing this room, and the last time I'll be seeing Shawn.

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