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Camila ~
Shawn awkwardly smiles at me as he attempts to avoid any and all eye contact. Great.
"Cabello," Mr. Herman called out for me as I quickly looked at him," can you bring Shawn to my office? I want him to make himself at home." He nudged me to go and I nodded my head back. I walked towards the elevator as Shawn followed.
We then arrived in front of the elevator doors and waited for them to open as I occasionally pressed the "up" button multiple times. Shawn would take glances at me every once in while. I wouldn't know how to react, just plaster a fake smile.
"Hey." He said as he awkwardly looked at me. Great up until you showed. "Hey." I replied. Luckily, the elevator doors opened and I quickly got in. Not like I was going anywhere. Its just a box in the wall that carries people up and down. Now I'll just be stuck in a box with Shawn. Great.
He followed me into the elevator and stared at the ground. I stared at the floor number as it changed with each passing.
Floor 3, 4, 5, 6, so on. I looked over to Shawn. He's killing time just scrolling through his Twitter feed. Typical.
"So," he started as he put his phone into his back pocket, "anything new happened?" His attempt at staring a conversation with me failed, but I'll go along with it.
"Just a new place and this job really. It's pretty cool here." That was a stupid thing to say. Good going, me. "What about you, Shawn?" That's the first time I've said his name out loud in a year. I can't tell if it's relief or something worse that's been lifted off of my chest.
"I've been pretty good. Bought a new car, moved in with my girlfriend, finished school." He brushed his hand through his hair and awkwardly looked away.
Moved in with his girlfriend? I should've known. Why did I ever think that he still had something for me? Not even a sliver of regret is in him, I can tell. I didn't respond, I couldn't respond. How would I even make up something to say? He's basically saying, "oh look at me! I have a girlfriend already and I obviously never loved you in the first place. Ha ha." Taunting me is what he's doing.
I can't believe he already has another girlfriend. So quick! How is it that they are already moving in with each other? It's so soon. Oh wait, how could I forget? It's so obvious. His girlfriend had to be the girl he was sleeping around with. No wonder he's okay with moving in so soon. They've been together for a while already. I actually thought he would've changed in the time span of a year.
Now, just look at me. I'm single and still dragging on to our past relationship. He's obviously moved on and I just can't understand why. Get it together, Camila. Just bring him to Mr.Herman's office and leave. Once you do that, you won't have to see him again.
The elevator doors finally opened and I rushed out of hat stupid metal box.

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