The Talk

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Camila ~
I arrived at Shawn's apartment to see him for the first time in three days. It feels like forever.
Once I knock on the door, as if he had been waiting for my arrival, he immediately opens the door.
"Hey." I said as I kissed his cheek and walked in. He rubbed the back of his neck as he closed the door.
I took a seat on his couch picked at my fingertips.
"Hey, I wanted to talk to you." He sat down next to me had a hold of my hand.
"Okay." I replied as I leaned back to release the tension.
"Well, you've just been acting a bit... Strange lately."
"What do you mean?"
"It's just that... You're the way you used to be."
"You're not as open as you used to be and you're not in love as much as you used to be."
He held his head in his hand in frustration.
He was right, I'm not the same. I'm not in love with him. My life is a nightmare. Everything about taking Shawn back has been terrible. I need an escape.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I asked, hiding my true feelings. He caressed his right hand on my cheek.
"Camila, I know that you know you're hiding something buried deep down inside of you."
I looked away from him. I am hiding something, but I can't reveal it. Revealing the fact that I need an escape from this terrible life will break him. I need to escape with a simple goodbye. It will hurt him though.
"I'm saddened at the fact that you don't think I'm in love with you and I'm happy in this relationship."
"You aren't. I know that. I can't just-"
"You don't know anything about me! You don't know what I have to deal with every day and what's actually going on in my brain. Shawn, I thought you cared for me and not just for yourself." I stood up and headed towards the door. He grabbed onto my arm to try and make me stay, but I resisted it. This very short talk seems like it was useless, but it was the most important talk of my life. I need to escape.

[Short, I know, but the next chapter is long and the last one!]

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