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Shawn ~
I called out for her name, but all I could hear was the echoes of guilt overcrowding my mind. She already knew. Now it's too late to turn back and apologize. I slammed my hand against the table top in frustration. Why did I have to do such a dumb thing? I'm a complete fool for thinking she would never find out. Now I'm never getting her back.
I walk into the room and notice a small slip of paper sitting on the wooden nightstand. A slip of paper? Yep, I lost her.
I thus read the paper.
            You lied to me.
Oh fuck.
I trusted you and now I don't know what to do.
God, I hate how right she is. I messed her up and now it's all my fucking fault. I'm such a sucker.
Trust isn't a candy wrapper you keep in your pocket just eventually throw it away. Yet, that's how you treated it.
No, well, I didn't mean it though.
This is the last time you'll see me.
Please, no.
I hope that one day you'll learn the errors of your ways.
I should've turned around.
Don't try to call me or come and get me. It'll just make everything worse. My love for you was once as great as our trust. You can guess how that worked out.
I'm sorry.
I love you. Keep me in your mind, but forget everything about me you piece of shit. I'll be everywhere but nowhere.
What does that even mean?
Bye Love,

I bit the inside of my cheek to try to stop me from crying. I don't care what she says, I need to find her and explain myself. I reach for my phone and dial her number.
No answer, of course she wouldn't answer the cheater. What was I thinking? I'm such a fucking idiot! I wish I could take back the things I did, but now she'll never forgive me.
I was given another chance and I just fucked it up. I should've turned around.

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