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Camila ~
I simply waved at Shawn. I had no clue how to react. Maybe he's already over it. Of course he is, heartbreakers get over it the fastest. How is it that fucking Shawn just so happens to be my boss's nephew? Why the fuck does this happen to me? I finally got over him, and now he's back in my life just to mess it up even more.
Shawn makes an awkward smile at me and converts all of his attention back to Mr. Herman. Great, now I'll have to deal with this.

Shawn ~
There she is. All beautiful and shit. Fuck, now all of those memories and regrets and mistakes are all flooding back in. I wish she'd just leave my life forever. Everything I see reminds me of her; us. Now, I have to see her. That's even worse than hearing our song. I wish I wasn't Tom's nephew. God damn it. I don't want to see her, because shell only remind me of the regrets I had about us. Us? Her and I.

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