The Office

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Shawn ~
The elevator doors opened and Camila quickly rushed out. I had to speed walk to keep up the pace. She stopped in front of a door and pulled out a pair of keys. She singled one out and used it to open the door.
I stepped into the roomy office and watched as Camila frantically opened drawers in Tom's desk. "Can I just sit here while you do... That?" I asked as I motioned to her doing. She nodded her head and continued to search the drawers. I took a seat on the red leather couch and admired her. I couldn't help but stare at her. Even when she's nervous she still manages to look beautiful. Astonishing, really.
"Here," she closed all the drawers and passed me a set of keys," these are Mr.Herman's spare keys. You can get in here any time you want to." She picked up her purse and hung it over her shoulder. "Wait," I said before she could leave the room," why don't we catch up? Grab lunch or something." I smiled as I gazed upon her chocolate chip eyes. She returned a smile, but I could tell it was fake. "Bye." She opened the door and walked away. What just happened? She walked away as if nothing happened. She didn't even nervously leave like she usually does. Why is she suddenly acting like this? Is it something I said? Ok, let me think of things I've said to her.
So anything new...
Bought a new car...
Moved in with my girlfriend...
Oh. Damn it. I don't even have a girlfriend, yet I still said that. I just wanted to seem like I've somehow changed and for some reason, those stupid words left my mouth. Why did I have to say those exact words? I DON'T EVEN HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. Great going Shawn. Great...
moonlightprincess97 tagged my for a cool tag. So this is it. Check her out!
1. Pink
3. This is hard, but Bad Decisions
4. Mashed potatoes
5. I honestly love them all
6. YASSSS, although I do love cookies more
7. Flower Crowns (Lana Del Rey Slays)
8. Greedy by Ari
9. Eh
10. Yassss I love it so much
11. Selena Gomez
12. Yes, but not coming any time soon
13. The flower crown one
14. Text
15. Krave
16. The divergent series
18. Not really, although I do like to go on it
19. Krave, again
20. I guess you could say that I'm greedy for your love (I LOVE THAT SONG)
Again, check out moonlightprincess97

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