Damn It

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Camila ~
My heels clacked against the tiled stairs as I rushed down them. After what had just happened, I doubt he'll come after me. But knowing Shawn, he just might.
Am I actually about to cry? God, I'm so weak. I can't ever go through anything without being frail as hell. I look up at the opaque reflection in the sheet metal in the wall. I look like trash, but I think I can manage through a busy area. I just have to get out of this stairwell, ride the elevator to the ground floor (there's no way I'm climbing down that many flights of stairs), get the key to my office, and finally go to my office and work. God, that's a lot of work. Or at least I'm making it out to sound.
I opened the door to the tenth floor only to see Mr.Herman standing there next to a peer (I'm guessing). "Camila!" He opened his lumpy arms, expecting a hug, but I only smile. "Camila! That drink was amazing... Where's Shawn?" Great, Shawn isn't nagging me the one time I need him to. "He's in your office, Sir." Maybe if I clack my heels three times, I'll be home. Maybe... Just maybe.
"Well," he gave me the look of 'what the fuck,' and waved his hands around," why don't you bring him down here? Let's make it a party!" He laughed as if he was born to be the trashy local mall Santa. Big gut and and brown stained pants that looked like a bunch of toddlers peed on his lap.
"Well, you said to show him the office."
"Yeah, show him. Not leave him there. He probably  got his shoe laces tied around the desk leg."
I chuckled at Shawn's idiocy.
"Now go, get him!" He cackled at his own simple remark.
I turned around and reopened the door and reentered the damn stairwell. Time to get this son of a bitch.
I walked up all of the damn steps and walked the damn hall until I finally stood heel to heel in front of the damn door. Great. How do I exactly restart a conversation I may or may not have accidentally stopped by cursing and yelling? Maybe I should just throw my heel at him? Nah, that's violent. I'll just talk. That should be easy enough. I'm human who can make normal human interactions with someone who broke my heart, right?

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