The Return

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Camila ~
How can he just call me up and ask how I'm feeling? He knows damn well just how I feel. He ripped my heart in two lie it was just some piece of scrap paper.
I need to talk to person. I need to be reassured one last time on how I feel. If I end up truly feeling the way that I feel right now, I'll just grab my things and leave...forever.
I grab my keys and leave the bedroom. I walk down the hallway to be stopped by my mother.
"Where are you going?" She asked, patted my shoulder.
"My apartment." I replied as I pushed passed her.
"Don't get yourself in a situation worse than it is now." With no reply, I left.
I parked my car into a the parking garage and just sat in my car.
Am I really about to do what I think I'm going to do? God, I hope I'm making the right decision.
I get out of my car and walk to the staircase. I squeeze the railing with a firm grip. I bite the inside of my cheek, resisting my tears from falling. The climb up wasn't the greatest feeling in the world. Wanting to turn back, needing to go forward. It's all just a battle field in my mind.
I finally reached the eighth floor as I anticipated the walk to our door.
My hand shook as I held onto the handle. This has got to be the WORST feeling I have ever experienced. Is it me or is it just getting really hard to breathe in here?

I put the key into the handle and opened the door...

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