To Go After

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Shawn ~
              I couldn't just let her leave my life again. I'm such a fool letting her go in the first place.  I'm not even seeing Ashley anymore. It's been a year since I've seen either of them. Ugh, I don't even want to say Ashley's name. From now on I won't ever say her name again.
I get up off the couch and and walk after her. I follow her down a hallway long enough until she stops to enter the elevator.
"Hey, Camila!" I called out for her as she repeatedly pushes the down button. Rude. "Hey. Why don't we?" I asked as I stood next to her. "Why don't we what?" She basically re-asked the question."Why don't we catch up? I haven't seen you in a long time. I'd love to get some lunch with you or something." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Come on, Mila. Just some lunch." She then threw her purse in a fit and turned her body towards me. With just one finger pointed at me, it started. "Why don't you get it through your fucking thick skull that I don't care about you and I never fucking will! Lunch?! I don't even want to be in the same fucking room as you! Not even the same country for that matter!" I stepped back from her as she yelled. She gritted her teeth picking up her purse and walking towards the stairwell. "Piss off." The last thing she said before entering the stairwell.
Jesus. Do I go after her again? Like, it might make everything worse (as if it already wasn't). I wish I could do something to fix this whole situation, but there isn't. She'll just always be the girl I go after that will never love me back.
I put my hand on the back of my head and walked back into Tom's office.

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