Where Do I Go?

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Camila ~
Driving down the highway was hard enough with my tears swelling up my eyes and messing with vision. I couldn't handle this pain that Shawn brought me. How could I ever be such a fool for him? I brought this upon myself. I lost my dignity, my train of thought, and worst of all, the love of my life.
I have to be confident now. I'm never going back to him. NEVER. I'll just have to put thought of me loving him in the back of my mind.
I drive onto an exiting ramp and start driving through a small neighborhood right before I get to my parents house.
I stop at the stop sign and look to my right. A teenage boy and his girlfriend. They're sitting on the concrete curb, holding hands and kissing each other.

That could've been us.

I bang my head onto the steering wheel causing it honk multiple times. The couple look over at me surprised and walk away.
I continue driving through the couple ridden neighborhood. I hate this.
I finally arrive at my parents place on the dead-end road.
I knock on their door, still attempting to get rid of all of the tears, but failing.
My mother opens the door and immediately let's me in.
"Oh, baby, come hear. What's wrong?" She patted my head during our hug. My father joined in.
I pulled away from their embraces.
"Shawn," I sniffled," he...he's been cheating on me." I sobbed even more.
My fathers fists balled up and my mother hugged me harder.
"I'll kill him!" My father shouted as he grabbed his coat off of the hook.
"No, Papa, please!" I begged as I held onto his coat.
"What, WHAT!" He exclaimed at me.
"I love him! Please, don't hurt him."
"What do you mean you love him? He hurt you! You can't love him after what he did to you!"
I fell into my knees as my face dropped into the palms of my hands.
I heard him sigh and sit on the ground next to me.
"Mila," he rubbed my back," I won't go off and hurt him. You need to work this out. I hate seeing you like this." He kissed the top of my forehead and walked away.
"Here," my mother grabbed my purse,"call him. Talk about it. Then, if you decide you still don't want him, block his number. Ok?" She handed me my phone.
"Ok, I'll try." I walked into my childhood bedroom and closed the door.
Ok, I'll just call to talk. That's it.

I dialed in his number......

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