The Call

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Shawn ~
            I lie on our-my bed. God, I can't even say that something is "ours" without having to correct myself. She's never coming back and I just keep hating myself more and more.

Why did I have to cheat?
Why did I have to make up excuses?
Why can't she be mine again?

I grab my phone and open up my camera roll to reminisce in old photos.

I grab my phone and open up my camera roll to reminisce in old photos

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I already miss her so much that my heart aches.
Tears spill onto the screen. I rub my thumb onto each picture of her.
My weeping session was interrupted by a call from..... Camila.
Is she giving me another chance to redeem myself? Oh my god.
Don't mess this up.
I answered the call, shaking.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.
"Shawn?" She said to me with her soft voice.
"We need to talk."
"I'm sorry, Camila."
"It didn't seem like it to me."
"I'm so stupid. I never meant to hurt you so much."
"Well, you did."
"I love you so much and I made a huge mistake."
"Can you just answer this one question for me? Honestly."
"Um, sure. Of course. What is it?"
"If I hadn't come home today and catch you, would you have told me?"
"Yes. I felt so guilty when you walked in. I have no honest clue what I was doing. I'm so sorry. I'll never do it again. I promise."

And just like that, she ended the call.
What does it mean? She ended the call without giving me a full response on whether or not we would get back together. Or how she even feels. Surely she would have told me how she felt, she's just been like that since....forever really.
I've made a huge mistake and I can never forgive myself for this.

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