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Dirty stuff going on. I tried not to do so much because ew. Excuse me if I don't do so well, I tried. Enjoy.

(One month  later)
Camila ~
            Shawn and I lied in our bed, watching some good ole' television. Some spy show he watches, I have no idea what's going on, but whatever. I looked down at my shoulder and see Shawn's hand on it, pulling at my bra strap. Is he teasing me? Is he poking fun at me? I really don't know. I look up at the tv to see a skinny, tall woman in a leather suit and trench coat. Even in the large coat she still looks slim. Crazy. I look down at my pudgy body and wished I looked as pretty as her.
"You're beautiful,"Shawn interrupted my thoughts,"she's nothing compared to you." He grinned. It's like he's reading my thoughts.
"Thanks." I made a fake chuckle. He scooted next to me even more and began playing footsies with me. I feel like a fifth grader.
"I'll be right back." Shawn said as he got up and walked into the bathroom. I felt confident around him, more than I've ever been.
He then walked out of the bathroom shirtless and crawled back into bed. He put his hand on my right thigh and massages it. This definitely isn't a tease at all... Just to kind of do the same, I lay my head onto his chest and play with a tag sticking out of his pants. He began playing with my hair, attempting to braid it. It was silent and the silence was beautiful. His small breaths made everything even better.
"I love you." He whispered into my ear. His hand grazed far more than my thigh. "I love you more." I replied as I looked up at him. He smiled and I pressed my lips against his. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. Our lips collided once again as he moved my body and hovered over me.
This is a first.
He never let go of the kiss. Air? Nah, I guess I'll wait. His hand held my head up as we both began to kiss roughly. They were rough, yet passionate. I pulled away for a brief moment as we both took the moment to breathe. Jesus Christ.
"I want you to be my first." I mumbled those words to Shawn. I was worried he might reject me or something. Shawn is the only person I feel is best fit for me. So, I decided he should be my first. He makes me feel confident about my appearance and I love him. The first person I have sex with should be a person I love, and I truly do love Shawn.
"What?" He asked me. I mumbled so I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't hear what I said.
"I want you to be my first." His heavy breathing stopped.
"You're positive about this?" He asked me, trying to make me reassure my thoughts."
"Yes, I love you." I responded back to him. His lips curved into a mischievous smile as we returned to rough kissing. He removed my sweatshirt, leaving me in just my bra and underwear. Hey, don't judge me, I don't wear pants at home.
Then he removed his pants...

This was hard to right because ew. Hopefully you guys get the gist of what happens next. This was bad, but I tried my best.

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