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Shawn ~
           I sat in my phone just scrolling through Twitter, but I can't stop thinking about her. Fuck. Some one just erase her from my mind. I just wish we could start over again. Yes, for the third time. Jesus, I'm repetitive, I know, but I need her back. Wow, I guess being heartbroken also brings in the aspect of being cliché.
I hear the doorknob turn as Camila walks in, again. Speaking of the devil. Well, I'm wrong, she's an angel. She's actually an angel from the heavens.
She approaches me and puts a tight grip on my wrist. With that, she pulls me up off the chair. What is she doing? Well, now she's dragging me down the hallway to the stairwell. Oh god, is this where she pushes me down and I die? I don't want to die this way! Maybe I'm just overreacting and this is normal. I don't know!
"What do you want, Camila?" I annoyingly asked. She stays silent until we reach the bottom of the staircase. "Shawn," she turns around and glares at me, "your uncle wants to see you." She opened the door as the mood on her face changed.
Of course he sent her, of all people, to come and get me.

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