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One Month Later
It's been eating me on the inside. For the past... What month? For the past month, after we got back together, I can't help but hate that I let my heart decide. My brain should be the one calling the shots. How did I let that happen? I want to blame his charm, but I'm the only one to blame.
I'm such a fucking fool. I wish I had never gotten myself into this situation. Ever since Shawn reentered my life, everything's been terrible yet amazing all at the same time. I'm disgusted at my own thoughts.
It's my fault that I was blinded by my past about him. Once a fool, always a fool for him. My self esteem has been shut down since I let him back in. I'm glad that I just cover it up with a smile.
He's far too obsessed with "us" to notice me or my real thoughts.


         I dialed Camila's phones number into my phone to ask if she wanted to hang out later. Really, I just want to talk to her. She's been acting a bit off lately and I haven't figured out any particular reason why. The last argument we had was about me not buying the right brand of bread from the store. She still kisses me, but it's just not the same. She once loved me with a passion, but now it's just with an ignorance. There's no way it's just her personality. It has to be something else. Not sound like some cocky bastard, but I'm pretty sure it's not me. I can't find a reason why it would be me. Maybe it's something at her new work. Ever since she got fired, she received a new job as a part-time accountant . Full time accountants have to work out of town and she doesn't have that much gas money to spend for that. It all just doesn't seem right.
The phone rings as I await for her to answer my call.
Maybe it is me...

"Hello?" Her soft voice travels through the phone. "Hey, Babe." I replied to her nice greeting.
"What's up?"
"I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out after your shift."
"Um... Sure. Hopefully there isn't any traffic on the way back."
"Yeah. Can I tell you something before you go?"
   I licked my lips  as I parted them.
"I'm always here for you. If there's something bothering you, you can talk to me about it."
She took a second of silence before answering.
"Ok. Thanks, Shawn."
"Goodbye, I love you."
"Love you too, bye."

She hung up the phone. I'll just talk to her and figure out what's up. That should be easy, right?

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