One Year Later

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Camila ~
"Of course! Right away, Sir!" I scurried across the main office building lobby and went out of the door. My stupid boss wants me to get him some coffee. I'm his assistant, not his servant. Don't tell him I said that. What does he want again? I think he wants a soy milk latte...or was it black coffee? I'm just going to hope for the best. At least I'm going to get paid for this idiocy. Luckily the nearest Starbucks is only two blocks away, so I can save gas and just walk there. However, these blocks are long. It's too late now, I'm already on my way. Why did I have to wear heels today?
"Thank you." I told the barista as he handed me the drinks. I didn't know which one he wanted, so I got both of them. I walked out of the store and began walking back to that stupid building in these treacherous heels. God, if someone saw me I'd look like a basic white girl. As if I don't already.
My thoughts were interrupted when someone cluelessly ran into, almost spilling the drinks.
"Watch where you're going next time!" The guy shouted as he walked away. Me? Watch where I was going? What an idiot. I sped up the pace and finally arrived at my office building. As I looked up, my boss, Mr. Herman, was laughing it off with someone I couldn't see.
"Mr. Herman," I called for his name as he turned around," your drink. I didn't know which one to get you, so I got these." I gave both of them to him. He smiled at the drinks and returned talking to whom ever he was talking with.
"Oh," he abruptly said," Cabello, this is my nephew, Shawn. Shawn, Cabello." As our eyes met, it was like I fell in love again, only this time, my heart got stabbed. Our faces didn't make any emotion as we stared at each other. What do I say to the man that broke my heart?

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