Chapter 3

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Samyra's POV

I waved my hands near handsome's face, snapping him out of his trance. He immediately regained his consciousness and smiled nervously at me.

I grinned awkwardly and after staring at my feet, trying to cook up a conversation, I only managed to say a "Hi".

"Hey" he said back. "Umm.... Bye. I should get going" I said and hurriedly walked back to where I had left Tricia, Alexandra and Jamie.

Tricia and Alexandra were there but Jamie was no where in sight. "Where's Jamie?" I asked. "With her boyfriend" Tricia replied pointing towards Jamie and a guy's kissing figures. Ew! Gross!

I made that weird face and shook my head. After sometime Jamie appeared "Sam! You are the best! Ken said that he loves lipsticks on me. And said that I look beautiful" Jamie hugged me, well pounced on me.

I chuckled and replied "Why welcome?" "Um... Guys let's go have food then we'll have to return to hostel before 8" Alexandra, the wise one said.

We nodded and walked towards the area where food was served. Jamie, Tricia pilled their plates with food. While I took only some of petite lime and cilantro cottage cheese kebabs, carrot risotto cake, and spinach and kale salad. Healthy and tasty.

"God? Seriously? You are having all those grassy stuff?" Tricia said. I chuckled "That's not grassy, it's healthy, at least compared to those" I replied pointing towards her plate that was stacked with pork chops and kebabs.

She rolled her eyes and giggled at the end making me laugh too. After we finished taking our food, we stood at a corner, shoving down the delicacies when Jamie shrieked "O. M. G!"

"What?" we asked. "Sam! The Niall Horan is behind you" she whispered yelled. "Niall what?" I asked. Who was it? Or what was it?

"NIALL HORAN!" she almost yelled getting excited, but I quietened her down. 

"Niall Horan who?" I asked unsure. "God! You seriously don't know him?" Tricia gasped. "Nohhh.... And am I supposed to?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. I mean everyone knows him. Not only him but whole of one direction" Jamie replied.

"One Direction? Now what is this supposed to be?" I whispered yelled.

"Samyra? Were you seriously living under some rock or something? You don't know who one direction is?" Alexandra chuckled.

"Um... Well I only keep a track of those things concerned with me. Now can any of you do the high honours of telling me who one direction is?" I scoffed.

"It's the world's most popular Musical boy band!" three of them whispered yelled. "Woah okay" I replied.

"And what's the big deal?" I asked. They gasped and stared at me in disbelief, while I grinned and started munching my food.

Niall's POV

I was standing in the food area with Paul, when a group of girls trailed and stood near us.

The group seemed to have noticed my presence and as usual were blabbering about us, to a girl who was standing with her back towards me.

They lectured to her about our band, which she clearly seemed to have no idea about. Well, that was rare. I couldn't help but chuckle hearing her replies to her friends. I could say she was really sassy.

Paul heard them too and we both laughed silently

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Paul heard them too and we both laughed silently. "This girl is surely something" Paul laughed. I nodded and tried to see her but as I turned she was not there anymore. Nor were her friends.

A part of me was disappointed. I wanted to see her. Well, I guess I can't do anything about it.

"Niall! Lets get going" Liam said coming in view. "yeah" I nodded and followed him and Louis out of the venue.

Harry was to stay with with his family and we too headed to our respective homes.

We decided to take an off that day and would start discussing about the new album.

Samyra's POV

"I'm tired!" I groaned, throwing myself on my bed. "me too and guess what the disaster year starts tomorrow" Tricia growled.

"Come on! I'm sure it's not going to be that bad. Look we already got friends, I'm sure we're going to enjoy a lot throughout the year and at the end we are going to have to leave with heavy hearts" Alexandra said and I just shrugged, not knowing anything about my uncertain future.

These people out here are so different from me, I just hope whatever Alexandra said at least half of it comes true.

Suddenly my mobile went off ringing, but I was too lazy to get up and get my mobile from the table.

"Jamie? Can you get it for me?" I asked her. She nodded and grabbed the mobile. She handed it to me while I asked "Who is it?"

"It's some Tyler" she smirked. God knows what made her smirk?

I took the phone and pressed the accept button.

"Hi" I said.

"Hey princess. How are you doing?" he replied.

"Fine, I guess"

*sighing* "we are already missing you"

"Don't say we, I'm sure Mom and dad are celebrating right now"

"Hey! It's not like that. They miss you too"

"yeah, I know very well. That's why they send me off to some unknown place with unknown people" I said and made my way out of the room, to have some privacy.

After talking to him for some more time we hanged up. I headed back to my room.

I decided to first change my dress and then take rest so I went inside the bathroom and changed my dress. I washed my face and removed my make up.

After I was done I walked back to the room but found Jamie, Tricia and Alexandra looking at me intensely.

They had my phone with them.

"I love you baby girl. Miss you, good night" they read.

I snatched my phone away from them and checked it. There was a text from Tyler.

"Tell us who this mystery guy Tyler is?" they said. "boyfriend?" Tricia asked.

I rolled my eyes "He is my 26 year old, only brother" I replied. "Oops! Sorry. We thought he's your boyfriend" Jamie said giggling.

I chuckled and shook my head. "You guys are insane!" I replied.

"Well, we can say that he loves you a lot" Alexandra said. I sighed and nodded. "He does" I whispered more to myself.

They smiled and gradually everyone were on their bed. It's the starting of my new life tomorrow. I need rest.

The bed lamps were off and after staring at the dark ceiling for a long time I whispered "I love you too Tyler, miss you so much".

And with that I drifted off to sleep.

This chapter is probably boring but the next is going to awesome I promise. A lot of twists coming up so stay tuned. 

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