Chapter 10

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500 views on the 9th chapter already???  I'm so blessed to have you guys as my readers. I hope I'm living up to your expectations. Thank you so much for your support so far.

Samyra's POV

"Is this done yet?" Liam asked impatiently. "No, it's still not dry" I replied, showing him his clothes.

He sighed and I continued ironing. "Um... Otherwise I'll just go home and get it dried. It's not far away. I'll manage" he said, wearing his damp black jeans.

"I have no problem, until and unless you don't curse me for it" I giggled. "Hah.... Don't worry I won't" he laughed.

I grinned and watched him getting dressed, covering his heavenly hot body.

Suddenly a weird noise hit my ears and when I turned to Liam he was smiling sheepishly, holding his stomach.

"What was that?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Um... Haha... Nothing. Nothing at all" he laughed nervously.

"That sound was from your stomach wasn't it? Your hungry?" I asked. "shit, that was embarrassing" he muttered.

I laughed at his red face. "I'll have to get you a giant chicken to fill your stomach" I said trying to control my laugh.

"Haha... Your funny" he said rolling his eyes. "and your hot" I replied. Wait, damn! I thought I told it to myself?

"Shit" I pressed my palms over my mouth.

He looked at me amused. "Haha.... I'm really funny, you see" I replied laughing stupidly.

"Yeah, I see" he replied chuckling. I stood there embarrassed, confused on what to do next. "Um... Mind giving me back my shirt?" he said, clearing his throat.
"Huh? Oh, ya sure" I tossed it to him. He muttered a thanks and I turned around to avoid seeing him getting dressed.

"So, I'll leave now. Thank you for helping me" he said and smiled. I smiled back and I remembered he was hungry.

I had a granola bar in my shorts pocket, this morning. I hope it's still there? I dug into my pockets and yes, it was there.

"Here" I said handing him the bar. "What's that for?" he said. "You were hungry, so I thought this might help till you get home" I shrugged.

"Okay. Thanks, for this and this" he replied first motioning towards his clothes and then towards the granola bar. "It's okay" I smiled.

I walked him to the gate, making sure no one saw him. "Um... Bye" I waved.

"Bye" he smiled the brightest smile possible, making his eyes look like a Chinese guy's.

He's cute. Uh... Uh... Samyra not good.

"Bye" he said again and suddenly kissed my cheek, which took me by surprise and I stood there frozen.

"Bye" I blurted out as he walked away. After he was no where in sight, I face palmed. "What was that?" I muttered to myself.

I walked back to my room and we all went to the dinning hall to have dinner. All this time Alexandra continued nudging me, to tell her what happened with Liam.

"Sam!!!! What happened to Liam?" she whispered near my ear. "He's dead" I casually said. "What???" she choked on her food, coughing furiously. I shook my head laughing.

"God! You are weird" she said gulping down water. "I know right?" I replied giggling and rubbing her back.

We went back to our room and I didn't waste any time and dropped myself on bed.

"Babe? Happy Birthday for the last time" Alexandra, Jamie and Tricia hugged me, no literally squeezed me.

"Woah! Thanks again" I grinned. "Good night" they wished and I wished back.

Rest of the night went with me, trying to sleep but the incident of the day kept repeating in my head.

2 months later...

It's been two months, since I came to London. Quite astonishingly, I've made hundreds of friends.

I now have a per time job in MCcafe, a small cafe near my college. So when I get off from college I go there and work.

Liam and me hung out a lot in the past days and we've become like the best friends ever. He told me about his break up and stuff and I felt really bad for him. He surely didn't deserve this.

He also introduced his band mate Niall to me. Who I knew from the party that day but I kept quiet. He's sweet too and very jolly. His famous laugh can make your stomach hurt from laughing.

I met up Louis too a few times and he's a great guy. Always cheerful. He always makes me laugh even when I don't want to.

And, not to forget the devil, Mr. Harry Styles. He also hasn't left bothering me. One time, he sneaked inside my hostel room while no one was there except me, and scared the crap out of me. Our meet has never been a decent one with proper hi or hello. It has always been us fighting and arguing about random things. Sometimes, that makes me laugh so hard. We literally fight like cats and dogs.

Well, from the meets with the guys I came to a conclusion that all except Harry are tolerable.

I haven't heard from Tyler since the day he left. It's like he doesn't even care anymore. I tried calling him, but he never picks up. I cried a whole week for this, but then decided to care the least for the people who doesn't care for me, but what to do when you can't stop loving your brother who has stopped loving you.

"Oh, come on Myra! I'm sure he's busy that's why he hasn't called" Liam said trying to pacify me. "No Liam! I mean how busy can a person be, that he can't even call his own sister in a whole month?" I said angrily.

"I'm sure he will" Liam rubbed my back, having nothing else to say. We stared at the distance, sitting on the hill slope. Yep, the same place we had met for the first, well second time.

This place has become a hiding spot for us. Whenever we are upset or disturbed or even when we have no reason, we come up here and sit and chat for hours. No one can find us here. It's just him and me.

Suddenly I realized that he was staring at me. I looked at him and made a weird face, making him laugh. I chuckled and said "Why were you staring at me, like that?"

"Um... Wait lemme guess?" and after a pause I continued "I have something stuck up between my teeth?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Um... Then, I look funny?" I asked. "No, you look fine" he said and let out a brief laugh.

I rolled my eyes "Then, I know um... There is something coming down my nose?" I asked and laughed at my own joke.

"Lol, no" he said and we both looked at each other seriously for sometime but ended up laughing like retards.

"You are crazy" he said laughing. I stopped laughing and smiled to myself. "I can't believe that's me, laughing and cracking jokes around" I said.

"Why?" he asked looking at me with curious eyes. "I was never like this" I shrugged. "I've changed. A lot" I said.

"Well, everyone changes for good. You did too. And thank you" he said the last part looking at me affectionately.

"Why thank you to me?" I asked. "You've been the one who I shared my pain and sadness with, apart from the boys and you have helped me believe that there is better in store for me. All I need to do is wait and identify what's for me" he said still looking into my eyes.

Suddenly without even me realizing, Liam pressed his lips on mine and started kissing me. I was too shocked to do something. I didn't kiss him, neither did I move away. I was frozen in my place.

Cliffhanger.... Damn! I know you probably want to break my head for ending it here, but patience... 😁😂

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