Chapter 12

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Heyo people!  I know the previous chapter was a bit boring as it was just a filler chapter but do not worry, drama will be filling in shortly.

Btw I had forgot to mention that the trailer for the book was made by my lovely gatti_priyanka trust me she is so good at writing and making edits of videos that you'll fall in love with her works. Thank you bae for spending your precious time in making a trailer for me, really means a lot.

Anyways here you go with the update...


S: Hello?

H: You seriously said it's okay?

S: Yes!

H: *chuckling* seriously?

S: Yessssssssssssss! *laughing at the end*

H: Woah! That's new! Thanks btw for excepting my apologies so soon. *mocking*

S: *rolls eyes* haha... Very funny! You are lucky I at least excepted. You know you were very rude that day.

H: I'm so sorry Samyra. I don't even know why I was so angry. I am really sorry.

S: it's okay. Shut the topic now, can we?

H: Yes, of course. So.... Um.... Friends?

S: Umm.... I'll think about the offer *giggling*

H: *groans* oh come on!

S: Fine, yes! Friends.

H: Yessss!!!!!!!!!  Thank you!!!!! Wohooooooooooo.....

S: Hello????

H: Fuck! ......................

S: Harry? You okay? Harry you there? Harry!!!! *groans*

I sat on my bed staring at the phone. Harry was still in line but all I could hear was hustle and bustle.

I don't know why, but it felt like something was wrong.

After a few minutes, I decided to try talking to him again. So I cut the line and dialled his number again.

(ring) (ring) (ring).... Please pick up! God damn!

"Hello?" a muscular voice, which did not belong to Harry said. "Um... Hi. I want to talk to Harry please" I said nervously.

"Ma'am Mr Harry Styles as admitted to our hospital. He's currently inside the OT" the voice said, who I now assumed that he was someone from the hospital staff.

"Wtf? How did he end up there?" I said shocked. "Ma'am he was talking on the phone when he slipped off the stairs" the person said.

I then realized that it was me who Harry was talking to. How irresponsible a person can be to slip off the stairs while talking on the phone. Argh.... Harry! You. Are. Crazy!

"Could I please get the address of your hospital? I don't exactly know the locations here properly" I said.

"Sure. It's street 7,  park street avenue, Vinelle road" I noted it down as the person told me the address.

I thanked him and grabbed my hoodie and keys of the room before jogging out off the campus hurriedly.

With the help of a cab I reached the hospital in 30 minutes and was guided to his room by one of the nurses.

"Thanks" I smiled nervously at the nurse and turned towards Harry's room.

"Ma'am all his friends have just gone out. Would you like to wait till they come or do you want to meet him now?" the nurse asked.

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