Chapter 21

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There's a new addition to the cast.

Blake Lively as Katie Benson.

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Fast forward...

Amy's POV

"Amy! Are you ready to go to the therapist?" yelled Katie from the other room.

"Yeah I am. I just need you to fix my hair" I told her, which was soon followed by footsteps coming into my room.

"Sit here" she said and slightly pushed me towards a chair. Soon she started working on my hair.

"Done" she said and I heard dusting of hands. I touched my earlier bird nest like hair, now neatly combed and pulled up in a ponytail.

"You look gorgeous, Amy" Katie cheered shaking my shoulders encouragingly.

I smiled slightly.

"Okay now let's go, we're getting late" she said and grabbed my hand dragging me out of the room and then to the parking lot and made me sit on the car, rapping the safety belt securely around me.

We drove off to the therapist, like we usually did every Saturdays since a year after my accident.

"Hi Amy. Welcome back. Hi Katie" doc greeted us as soon as we reached her cabin.

I just forced a smile and Katie greeted her on behalf of both of us. I found this place pretty depressing considering my condition.

Every time I come here  I have to return back home without any hope. I've already started to believe that I'll never know who I was or see this world again.

I sometimes wonder why I'm still alive. I'm absolutely of no use to anyone. In fact I'm only bothering people like Katie who are good enough to look after me since three years, without having any relation with me. Even though now, I love her like an younger sister but still.

I sighed and stood there, my head hung low.

"I've decided to try a new treatment on you. It's called hypnotherapy, where a person in his subconscious mind is made to remember those things of his past which he cannot remember with his conscious mind" Doctor Sasha explained to us.

"It's a therapy where-" she started again but I cut her off "STOP! JUST STOP! I'M DONE WITH THIS! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE. I COME HERE EVERY SATURDAY BUT GO BACK WITH NO IMPROVEMENT! CAN'T YOU JUST CLEARLY TELL ME THAT MY CONDITION IS JUST TOO WORSE TO GET CURED? THAT I'LL NEVER KNOW WHO I REALLY AM, WHERE I'VE COME FROM! At least I will stop hoping that one day I'll get to live and see the world like everyone else. The hope that I get here and then having to go back without any changes gets me frustrated! I'm tired of hoping Katie" my energy drained off with every sentence I said.

I sobbed sitting on my knees. "Hey! Sweety! Shh..." I heard Katie's chooing voice. She rubbed my back comfortingly.

"Dr. Sasha can I talk to her alone?" Katie asked doctor. "Sure, call me whenever you are ready. And Amy, truthfully I don't even know what you are going through, or feel what you feel, even if I say so. In fact no one else can except you. But we can help you cope with it at least. We are trying our best to cure you" Doctor Sasha patted my back and let.

"Hey! Amy! Sweet heart, look I know it's difficult. And as doctor said we can't feel what you are going through but we are helping you to cope with it. And Amy god has placed you where you are at in this very moment for a reason, remember that and trust that he's working everything out. Even the darkest nights will end and the sun will right baby. You are a fighter Amy. I've known you for only a short while but I've never seen a braver girl than you, and I know you'll survive this war" Katie said wiping my cheeks.

I squeezed shut my eyes and suddenly a faint voice that was barely audible said "Hey little fighter, soon things will be brighter".

Even though it was the first time I heard it, but it felt like my heart swelled up with an unknown happiness. The voice held so much of care and love, I never felt ever before.

I opened my eyes even though blank, I could see a new reason to live.

"I'm going to survive this war Katie. Not for me but at least for you and the people who love me" I said smiling.

Katie chuckled into her tears and hugged me tightly. "I admire you Amy for the person who you are" she told me and I smiled.

Fast forward ends...

Samyra's POV

"When are you going to Miami?" Jam asked me, as we walked around in the streets of London. "Um... I don't exactly know but according to what Tyler said it'll be in the middle of this month" I told her and sipped my mango drink.

"Oi! Wait here I'll be back in 5 minutes" she said and disappeared before I could question her.

I stood there gazing around aimlessly, when I suddenly saw Zayn coming towards me. I widened my eyes and immediately turned my back towards him.

On the other direction was Niall. Woah! Luck! "Niall!" I called him.

"He-hey! Samyra Williams!" he laughed and we fist pumped like boys do.

"How are you? We haven't met in a long time" he said smiling. "Yeah I know. I'm fine, I was just busy with college" I said and let out a silly laugh.

"Oh I see" he grinned. Suddenly a familiar annoying voice called me. Yeah, you guessed it right, if you even guessed. It was Zayn.

I turned around at him with an expression which clearly said I was pissed off.

"Hey! How are you Myra? I've been searching for you" he said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and said "Why were you even searching for me? I don't think we have any business with each other. And anyways I was busy talking with him" I pointed at Niall.

"Isn't he that kid from that boy band?" Zayn chuckled while Niall looked at both of us to and fro, fully confused.

"Yeah. That boy band has a name, one direction" I stated the known and turned back at Niall.

"Oh so is he your boyfriend?" Zayn joked. I was a bit shocked at what he said and Niall just smiled shaking his head.

"Umm.. Yeah actually he's my boyfriend" I said hooking my arm with Niall's. "What!???" Niall spat out shocked.

"What? When did that happen?" Zayn asked, suddenly turning serious.

"Yeah. It happened today. Niall will you be my boyfriend. I've been wanting to ask you this since a long time" I said.

"Umm... Bu- Ho- I-I-I do-nt know" Niall stammered. "Please Niall! Please? I like you a lot" I said, literally begging in front of Zayn. Poor Zayn looked horrified.

Niall took a deep breath and looked at me with nervousness "I actually like you a lot to Samyra" he said.

"Oh Niall" I blinked my eyes and immediately hugged him.

"Argh!!!! What am I even doing here?" Zayn scoffed and walked away, soon bumping into a tree trunk.

As soon as he left, I heard Jamie's voice call me and I left Niall. His face was red.

"Thank you so much Niall for helping me. See you again" I winked at him and pressed a quick kiss on his cheeks before walking off at Jamie's direction.

"Where were you?" Jamie pursed her lips looking at me. "Talking to Niall" I told her.

"OMG! He's here" she asked. "Yeah, but was. Now he left" I told her.

She made a smug expression and said "You lucky girl!"

I giggled and we both walked back to our hostel.

I had earlier told Tricia, Jamie and Alexandra about my past with Zayn and also me knowing all the boys. I even told them about me and Harry and they couldn't stop fangirling over it.

But they supported me, and assured me to kill Zayn if he ever did anything wrong with me again.

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