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I took a moment to appraise my surroundings. It was by far the most beautiful place I'd ever been and I knew I never wanted to leave. It was a perfect circle of lush grass, surrounded by tall oak trees that threatened the sun if it tried to break through. Violets and other beautiful flowers dusted the green carpet throughout, in a seemingly pattern. The moss covered the bark of the trees and I was surrounded by green. Though there were guard blocks against it, the sun poked through the leaves where they were intermittent, and rays from the warm sun made my skin glitter.

Now I knew it was a dream. There was no way my skin would glitter, I wasn't a vampire. And being in this dream explained why I was in a place I had never been.

Though knowing that this was a dream did not change the fact that I never wanted to leave. I could feel the soft grass that tickled against my feet, and the smell that often accompanied a fresh spring rain was in the air.

There was nowhere in Italy that was as beautiful and secluded as here. I needed to be here, wherever here was.

A/N: I'm slowly but surely going to try to bring some, if not all of my fan fiction stories over to Wattpad from I don't even know if anyone still reads Twilight fan fiction, so who knows. At some point though I will also bring some of my original stories to Wattpad. Also please note that I have no idea how the editing is on this story. Some of my ff were edited and some weren't so excuse any typos you may find. I'm normally a stickler for grammar and spelling, so anything you may find is going to be just as annoying to me as it is to you. If you happen to stumble upon this story, or any that I'll be posting in the future, I can't wait to interact with you!

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