Chapter 29: The Uninvited

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I followed closely behind my two cloaked escorts, Jane and Alec, as we walked briskly toward the turret room. There were a group of humans that were in the waiting area just to the side of Gianna's desk. They too were dressed in formalwear as if they were there for the gala as well.

"Why are they here? Aro assured me that dinner wouldn't be served tonight." I pressured one of them to tell me in a voice that was too fast and low for anyone but the vampires to hear.

Alec let off a lighthearted chuckle as Jane growled. "You'd do well not to mention that Bella. Our Janie here is a mad because she's feeling a bit parched. She was unable to make it to dinner earlier. These are the human guests that have been exposed and the vampires responsible, as well as them will be on trial."

Jane handed me a black robe from a closet that was outside of Gianna's office.

I gave one last look at the humans that clamored together, exchanging stories of their vampires. They looked around nervously, knowing that the day's events were far from over. What they didn't know was what their fate would be. And while I didn't know it either, I knew that I would be deciding on it very soon.

For some odd reason, I'd often daydreamed that my entrance to my first court would include music, and since I was introduced as the princess, it seemed like a natural conclusion. However, once we'd entered the threshold, there was no music to be played as it died once the masquerade ended. Everyone in attendance still wore their evening wear, as did the guard, though we were wearing our hooded robes. I was glad my dress wasn't poofy, the seriousness that came with the robe would have been lost.

I took my place to Uncle Aro's right, standing next to Renata who had his left. Two shields, one physical and one mental, Aro really knew what he was doing. Although I had no clue what I was doing. I knew that I was supposedly able to extend my shield but I had no idea how.

"My friends, this is indeed a joyous occasion, as Isabella has agreed to join the guard as a judge. She joins my brothers and I, along with Renata. The five of us now will begin the proceedings. First on the agenda are there any grievances against a member of our kind?" Aro started things off.

One by one there were a few vampires that were called to witness against each other. Petty differences really, over territories and hunting grounds. Pathetic if you will.

I found myself bored with the mundane problems of the vampires that I decided to have fun.

'Honestly Uncle Marcus, how can you stand to listen to this all the time? These aren't vampires, they're babies.' I thought incredulously to my uncle without glancing back at him.

The startled chortle from Marcus interrupted the current witness from his account. An irritated Aro looked up to me, almost as if he knew I had something to do with it. I hid my lips in an attempt to appear innocent but I knew that very action only gave me away.

The proceedings continued smoothly after that. I was quite pleased that so far I hadn't needed to commit anyone to death. Of course, I'd only jinxed myself into believing that this would be an easy adventure.

"Now, if there are no other quarrels, we'll be moving onto offences of our existence. These offences as you should well know, deal with those who have sins against our kind. Brother, please call the offender forward."

I turned to Caius expectantly, but something happened as he began to open his mouth. I saw and felt my uncles stiffen in their seats. Their eyes were fixated on someone in the audience. I followed their gaze and there were two vampires that were staring back at them almost as intently. They were odd creatures, their skin was even more translucent than my uncles. They seemed ridiculously fragile but there was something about how they carried themselves that would prove me that I may be wrong.

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