Chapter 20: Safe

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Since my day was spoiled with vampires and werewolves, I decided it was time for me to finish the work that I missed while I was in Italy. I didn't miss anything major, I already handed in some of the papers that were due and I've also was allowed to do make-up tests after school on Thursday and Friday. It was just going to be an evening of the small assignments, which was fine by me.

I went to go change my shirt into my long police academy t-shirt that Charlie got me from the station, but I couldn't find it. I looked underneath my bed, but nothing was there except a few shoes. I decided to change into my sweats since the shirt was probably in the wash. But that didn't make sense cause I just pulled it out of the dryer a few days ago.

I stuffed my ear buds in and turned my iPod to Demetri's favorite band, Paper Tongues, and started my homework. I was well into my studies when I noticed movement by the window.

"Has anyone ever told you that that is kind of creepy?" I said under my breath. I was a bit startled but I didn't want to admit it.

Edward perched in the rocking chair and stared at me, a slight smile was plastered on his perfect face. "Actually, you're the only one that I've done this to. Would you like me to leave?"

"No. You can stay. I want you to." For about two minutes, we just kind of stared at each other. With neither one of us speaking, or even moving for that matter, the atmosphere was pleasant and calming.

"So I was accepted into some colleges today. Charlie wants me to consider staying in the states for college." I casually mentioned to Edward who looked like he was pondering the idea himself.

"But you're not sure?" His words were hesitant. He knew of my plans prior to coming to Forks involved going to University in Italy, but he had no idea that I was to be made a vampire. Aro's new deal was pretty much putting university on hold for at least a year. I was hoping though, that I'd be able to adopt the Cullen diet, and after a year I'd visit Charlie one last time and then either go to school or continue my work in the guard.

"I have responsibilities in Italy. In Volterra. They cannot be ignored."

"Then what's the point of taking it slow, if you're going to leave me?" Edward's brow was pinching.

But before I could answer, Edward was sitting on the edge of my bed, cradling me in his arms. "Bella, I can't waste my time, if it's going to be limited with you."

"Well isn't that what you wanted before? I told you we could have forever but you were adamant that I remain human. My time was limited then."

"But on that timescale, I may have had fifty sixty years with you. Now it's only a matter of months." Edward was really upset, and it hurt me to see the pain in his eyes. I reached my hand to his face to comfort him.

"Edward, don't you see, everyday brought me closer to death. Withstanding James, or my uncle, there are always human ways to die. I could be in a car accident tomorrow. Or clumsy me fall into a well and crack my head. No one would know, not even Alice. Once my time was up, it would be up, as long as I remained human."

"Then I'll take the chance away from you. I'll change you, tonight if I have to. I can't ever lose you again." He kissed my forehead and let his lips keep contact with me. I felt a tear roll down my cheeks because I knew what needed to happen, and it needed to be done soon. But the thought of doing it tonight was eating me up inside.

His phone choose that exact moment to ring.

"It's Alice." I nodded for him to take it, and untangled myself from him. "Alice, what's going on?"

Edward listened for a moment and then hung up the phone. Whatever Alice told him, didn't please him at all. Edward listened to the room, or perhaps outside my hearing range.

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