Chapter 7: Not Here

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I imagined everyone was ecstatic when they woke up on Saturday. Tonight was the big dance, and all the girls were making arrangements for their hair and nails. Angela called early in the morning to see if I had changed my mind about coming. I immediately felt guilty because she practically begged me to suffer with her.

No, I had a whole other reason to be excited, but I was trying not to get my hopes up. For the last few nights, I kept my window locked from Edward. I knew he had other ways of entering my home if he wanted to but I knew he would take the window as a sign.

Both Thursday and Friday, I had hoped that he didn't care about exposure and would figure out a way to come to school. But I knew I was being silly for having such a thought.

I was angry that he could smooth things over for me with the whole debacle with Lauren and then no sooner than all is forgiven, he goes and hooks up with Tanya.

And yet here I was waking up early to get ready for a date I wasn't even sure was going to happen. That is if it was a date.

I finished my pop-tart, unsure if my stomach could handle anything more substantial than that. Charlie was probably fishing, so I left a note for him, letting him know that I would be in and out.

When the doorbell rang, the knots in my stomach that I had worked so hard to calm down in the shower, began retying themselves.

I regained my composure as I walked carefully to the door, but when I opened it, my composure went out the window.

I rushed through the threshold and wrapped my arms around my personal Adonis. His broad shoulders held me steady.

"Were you worried that I forget our date?" Edward amused.

"No. I knew that you would remember, I was worried you would not care."

"And why wouldn't I care?" Edward tried pulling away from me, and I could tell he was taking care not to hurt me. It made me hold onto to him tighter. I made a mental note to never lock my bedroom window again. His scent was just to intoxicating.

"I heard about Tanya. I assumed you realized that she was a much better fit for you."

This time he was successful in pulling away from me and his gorgeous topaz eyes burned into mine.

"Bella, haven't I told you how I felt about you?"

"Only in so many words, and then I get another mixed signal from you that sort of erases anything that you've said to me."

He nodded at me but remained silent as he led me to my truck and helped me into my passenger seat. Instantly, he was behind the wheel and backing the truck out of Charlie's drive. He finally spoke when he turned onto the one-oh-one.

"Bella, I really hope that after today, my intentions will be clear. You are my life." Edward's eyes smoldered into mine and I lost my breath.

We stopped in front of a trail in the middle of the woods, and I took in my surroundings. "We're hiking?" I groaned. Obviously he had never seen me in gym.

"Would you like me to carry you? Or we could hike, you wore the right shoes for it." He was offering me a choice which was good. Riding on the back of a vampire was never my favorite mode of transportation. But at the same time, neither was hiking.

"You can carry me, I suppose."

"Just close your eyes, and remember to breathe."

In one fluid motion, Edward grabbed my wrist and hoisted me onto his back, all before my eyes had closed. I rested my head against his broad shoulders and inhaled his scent. I continued focusing on his scent so that I wasn't paying attention to the swift movement of Edward's legs beneath me.

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