Chapter 5: Zero Weirdness

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It was unusually bright in my room when I woke up. With a panic I tried rushing to the window, but my legs got caught in my twisted blanket and I tumbled out of the bed.

I moaned at my clumsiness, hoping that I was going to have this moment to myself. I laid on the floor, pausing to see if Charlie was going to come to my rescue, but he didn't make a sound.

I collected and pulled myself off of my bedroom floor. Actually, I crawled to the window before standing up. I didn't want a repeat of my early morning tumble.

The sky was grey with heavy clouds, and my breathing returned to normal. But as soon as my eyes drifted downwards to find the source of the light, my heart seemingly stopped.

Ice. I'd never had the pleasure of driving on ice, but I knew it was the cause of a lot of vehicular accidents.

I found that despite the turn of events, I was pleased that there was no reason Edward shouldn't be in school today.

Thinking of Edward, brought my thoughts back to the dream I had last night. I was in the meadow, the same meadow from my birthday. Only now it seemed even more spectacular because I had company. Edward was standing in the perfect circle with me. Every movement that I made, he matched it perfectly so that we were moving together as one. I closed my eyes as he bent over to kiss me, but when I opened them, Felix was standing in Edward's place. Felix held his arm out for me and we turned to face the guard, with my uncles behind us.

I wasn't entirely surprised over the turn of events in my dream. Uncle Aro had always expressed his desire that I chose Felix as my mate, regardless of how I was brought up. Felix was a very attractive person, and it probably would have seemed natural to have him as mine, if I'd never met Edward.

But even as the thought came to my mind, Edward being my mate, I wondered if it was possible that Edward felt the same way. Of course it was way too early to think of anything like that. Besides, choosing a vampire for a mate could be very dangerous. Demetri and everyone back home always mentioned that they had to practice controlling their strength before handling me. I would have to be changed before I was intimate with one. But I was in no rush to even contemplate becoming a vampire.

"So I am choosing human I suppose." I said to myself as I hunted through my closet what I wanted to wear to school. I thought of my human options as my possible suitors and quickly cringed when the first person popped into my head. Mike.

"I guess I don't have to choose right away," shaking the thought away as quickly as possible. I couldn't take my time having my human moment because I knew the ice was going to affect my travel time to school. Plus I wanted to arrive before the Cullen's got to the school because I wanted to know if they decided to do anything with me after I left last night. Even after everything seemed to end on a good note, I tried not to delude myself with the idea that they would be entirely comfortable with my presence. Especially Rosalie, there was no need to antagonize her if. I'd go back to Italy if I thought she'd be comfortable with me then.

I hurried to the kitchen and found some strawberry pop tarts, already toasted for me. I'd have to thank Charlie for that.

I grabbed my school bag and threw my jacket on, not bothering to zip it up. I braced myself when I stepped outside for the ice that surrounded everything in a bright, frozen state. Charlie's cruiser was nowhere to be found. I must have just missed him.

I drove carefully down the street to the school. I came nowhere close to my truck's whining speed limit. I tried not letting my mind wonder about buying a new car if this one was to be damaged in an accident. I shook the thought from my mind, since I couldn't think of a way of having a car accident and coming out unscathed.

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