Chapter 12: Really Here?

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Felix left to go hunt immediately after I said I would go to Italy. Charlie kept insisting that he stay for dinner, but I could tell that Felix was dying to hunt again.

"Dad, it's my last night in Forks, apparently. Why don't we let Felix pack and get some rest for tomorrow." Charlie finally accepted that, knowing that he wanted to spend some more time with me versus the fussing that usually comes when dealing with guests. I decided to cook a lasagna for Charlie, that way whatever leftovers could be Charlie's lunch and dinner for several days.

My plans for a nice evening with Charlie were interrupted when he called Billy and Jacob after dinner and told them the news. Of course they wanted to stop by.

"Well Bella, I hope you don't plan on breaking this old man's heart and stay in Italy too long. But then again Charlie will likely die of starvation while you're gone." Billy quipped jokingly.

"Hey now. I survived for seventeen years without someone helping me in the kitchen, thank you very much. All ya'll can give me some credit now." Charlie murmurs matched Billy's joking tone as he rolled Billy into the living room for some game I wasn't aware was on.

I wandered outside in search of Jacob, who had tensed up as soon as he got out of the truck he borrowed to bring Billy here. He was reluctant to come inside and even told Charlie that he needed to stay outside and tinker with the truck a little bit before they returned home since he heard some clanking noises. I knew that since he was a werewolf, he had smelled Felix and wanted to patrol.

It was weird to myself at least, that I was friends with a werewolf, though Jacob wanted more than a friendship. I remember the day that I told him that I knew he was a werewolf. I'd pretty much spilled the beans in the same manner that I let Edward know that I knew he was a vampire. Jacob was shocked at first, but grew ecstatic that there was someone outside of the pack that he could talk to. I helped him with his problems, and he helped keep me busy. It was a friendship that grew and blossomed and I would always cherish that with Jake.

I even told Jacob about how I knew about vampires, including my entire past of living with them my whole life. He was my sole confidant in Forks that knew who I really was.

"He's gone Jacob." I stated just slightly above a whisper, hoping he was close enough on his patrol to hear me.

Momentarily, I heard a some leaves rustling and Jacob quickly emerged from the woods. He seemed to be closer to seven feet tall now and was wearing only a pair of shorts and his sneakers.

"You know it's still February, would it kill you to wear a shirt?"

"How many times do I have to tell you, I run a toasty one-oh-eight. I don't even need any clothes right now. You know what I mean?" Jacob wagged his eyebrows as he pushed me up against the car, trapping me with his massive arms. I could feel his warm breath on my forehead.

The brief contact with his half naked body left me feeling sweat form on my brow. I knew my puny little human strength was no match for a werewolf's but I swatted him away anyway, and he let his body react the way it should have normally. I wiped my forehead free from the sweat.

"You're really leaving with that bloodsucker?" He asked me distraught.

"Yep. Besides, I miss everyone over there. Everyone here seems to think that I'm having trouble dealing with reality. So dealing with my demons in another country is everyone's solution."

"It's not my solution. You're going to be surrounded by vampires again. Aren't you scared?"

"Jacob, I have absolutely nothing to fear from my vampires. And besides it'll only be a week, two at the most. And then I'll be back home." I reassured him.

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