Chapter 10: Are You Kidding?

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Edward forcibly pushed me back towards the driveway. My feet stumbled as I tried regain the balance that was lost. The snarls that were coming from the doorframe were enough to petrify me into staying still.

James barreled out of the house and charged at Edward. I attribute the paranoia to explain what happened next. My focus wasn't necessarily on the fight itself. It was more of my imagination of the fight. All I could picture was two cartoon dogs fighting in the alley and all you can see are squiggly lines, dust, and a paw here or there. You could even thrown in some Batman slangs with "Pow," and "Bam." I was seriously considering that I was going crazy.

I heard a crack as I saw Edward being flung into the forest and a tree breaking in half at impact. James briefly looked at me before running back towards Edward. I couldn't think of anything that I could that would keep him from killing Edward.

I felt a pair of arms pull me away into the house and up the steps. We were moving so fast that I knew it was a vampire. I looked into my captors eyes and saw Jasper, my savior. I buried my head into his shoulder, crying. I just wanted this to end. I'd all but forgotten about James, but just knowing he was in my house made everything to real.

My head spun and gradually, without warning, I felt myself sinking into a black abyss. I managed to open my eyes slightly and look upon Jasper. He was watching me carefully, "Sleep Bella."

I tried to fight his stupid gift, but there was no use. I was too far gone to attempt it.

And so I slept.

My eyes stuttered open, everything was hard to focus. I tried remembering what had happened before I blacked out. I saw two amber eyes, but they weren't Edward's. A feeling of dread was about to wash over me as I struggled to remember.

No, not Edward's, they were Jasper's. I shot up out of my bed too fast, and my head began to spin. I steadied myself by sitting on the edge of the mattress, and focused on the room not spinning.

"Edward?" I whispered. I could see that it was dark outside, and my eyes hadn't completely adjusted. When I opened them, I saw that I was no longer in the clothes that I wore earlier, I was in my pj's. Why couldn't I remember anything?

"Don't worry. Alice changed you." Edward's voice was rough and I could tell it was something bad. He seemed really stiff in the rocking chair that he loved to encompass. With a surge of energy, the day's events rushed to the forefront.

"James?" I remembered seeing his blonde hair neatly tied back blur past me.

I heard Edward's throat clear, and I didn't know whose benefit he was doing that for. Since I made it known that I knew that he was a vampire, he gave up the pretenses around me. The only aspect of his vampire life that he kept from me was hunting. Something was really bothering him.

"He got away."

I looked around for my clock and saw that it was two in the morning. My alarm would be going off in a few hours for the first day of school.

"What about Charlie? How did he get so close? I thought that Alice was looking out for him." I knew that Edward nor his family would have let me sleep the entire day if something had happened to Charlie, at least I tried to take comfort with that hope. It did nothing to quench the panic that I felt rising up in me.

"Charlie is fine. He's in his room sleeping. As far as James, we think he managed to slip in the house while Alice was fretting over losing us in her visions. She was so focused on that one thing that everything else dropped. It was dumb luck on his part. But it'll never happen again." His voice took on a dark cadence but I ignored it.

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