Chapter 26: Very Bad Things Can Happen

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"Me?" I asked in shock.

"Yes, you. What the hell is wrong with you Bella? I keep seeing your future with Edward fade in and out. You're not seriously going to choose Felix are you?" Alice asked, and since I was still human, I stopped myself from going into a fit of giggles. Alice may be small, but there was no doubt in my mind that she was a fierce vampire to be reckoned with. It was just at that moment, she seemed like a little girl asking her mother for an ice cream cone.

"Oh." I said as I settled back in my seat and put the car in gear to follow Gianna back to the castle. "Well, Alice, Felix is here every day. Edward wouldn't even get on the phone with me when I called. I would have hoped that there was something left between us. But honestly, I think we hurt each other too much for there to be anything that could survive this."

"But how did you hurt Edward?" Jasper called from the backseat. "Everything that you did was to assure our safety." I looked in the rearview mirror and I couldn't tell of he had added, "unless there is something else," but his lips were unmoving.

"It was to protect all of you, and I've tried telling him that, but he won't listen." I retorted.

"But Bella-" Jasper started but Alice interrupted him.

"No she's right Jasper. You know how he is. He's a stubborn little brat and once his mind is made up, there's no changing it." Alice came to my rescue gratefully, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh no missy, I'm not done with you. That still doesn't explain why you're choosing Felix over my brother! You two belong together and you know it." Alice argued and for a moment I wish I wasn't driving due to being too scared of the pixie in the passenger seat.

"Alice once this transformation is complete, I'll be in the guard. There's no denying that. And where would Edward be expected to be? If he stayed with me, your family would be broken up. You can't ask me to be responsible for that." I said turning my full attention back to the road.

"But-" Alice tried speaking but it was my turn to do the interrupting.

"No Alice. And that's final. While I'd like to say Edward was the reason that we're in this situation, I know my lies played a part as well." I said as we pulled into the garage. I wanted to end the conversation quickly since pretty soon, every vampire in the other car would hear it. Though it didn't really matter unless Alice planned on blocking it from Edward.

"But, Bella, what difference does it make whether you knew about vampires beforehand?"

"That's not a question for me. Edward is the only one that can answer that question. But no matter what, my lies lead to him leaving. His leaving, left everything open to happen. The damage has been done, and I don't know fully what the consequences of all of our actions will be." I gave her one last look before putting the car in park and getting out.

"Well I have to leave and go back to work. If you guys ever need anything, don't hesitate to call." Gianna waved everyone off and turned and ran into the catacombs of the castle to get back to her desk.

"No way! You guys have an Impression?" Rosalie exclaimed.

"Which one is that?" I asked, there were so many cars in here that I couldn't understand how anyone could tell a difference of what was what. Rosalie pointed to a roadster that was reminiscent of a car from the 1920's, in a shiny silver color with a cream interior. It was one of my favorite cars to ride with Caius in.

"Oh that's Uncle Caius' car," I figured I'd mentioned since he was very particular about who touched his car. "Speaking of cars, you're more than welcome to pretty much any car in the garage. You can ask Gianna or Santiago about which cars are off limited. But for the most part any car except the brothers is fine."

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