Chapter 25: It's All About You

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"Wakey- wakey sleepy head. There's so much for you to do before the extravaganza!" Heidi trilled in my head while effectively waking me up.

"Heidi, how is it possible there's still so much for me to do? My gown has been chosen, and you've already twisted, prodded and curled my hair to figure out my hairstyle for the evening. And it's still a month and a half away!" I groaned under my breath. I was actually hoping that I had hissed my words, but I was too tired.

For at least the last week, Heidi seemed to have forgotten that I was human and expected me to keep up with her mundane details for this party that I never wanted to have in the first place. And yet, Aro made it clear that while final decisions and veto power was to be made by him, everything had to be ran by me first.

"Honestly Bella, I wish you would take on a different attitude towards this party. It is a huge ordeal for your uncles. There could be lives at stake here." Immediately, Heidi looked like she said too much and I knew something was up.

"Heidi what do you mean? What don't I know?" I whispered.

"Aro is using this party as a means to get everyone together to see where their alliance is. The Romanians are still planning an attack in the future, and Aro wants to know who will fight with them. This will be as much political as it is fun. And don't you forget that." I of course, instantly felt bad.

"Why didn't my uncle tell me?"

"Because there is nothing you would have been able to do Mon Chere." I jumped at the sudden sound of Aro's voice.

"Uncle Aro," I climbed out of bed and gave him a hug. "You hardly ever come to my chambers. To what do I owe a pleasure of your visit?"

It was a bright smile that I received from Aro and I knew whatever it was it was going to be good.

"Why yes it will be a pleasure because I have a surprise for you." Ok maybe this won't be good, I amended to myself. I groaned as I let him drag me from my room.

"Wait master! What about the list? I was going to have her go over the guest list." Heidi called after us.

"Oh Heidi is that necessary? I would never dream of inviting any of my human ties to such an event, and other than the Volturi, the only vampires that I have a relationship with is the Cullen's. As long as they are invited, I am ok with whoever you add." I looked to Aro for confirmation and he nodded to Heidi that was fine.

"Wait Aro, master, you are forgetting something." Heidi said and Aro looked around trying to figure what might jog his perfect memory. "Bella is human, if you are planning on taking her outside, she'll need a coat. It's still rather chilly in the morning."

"Outside? We're going outside. Uncle won't you be seen?" I asked, though there seemed to be no worry on Aro's face. Not that there would be an indicator of such a thing. Aro as all of my uncles have always been very good at hiding their true emotions for the most part. So I didn't know why I expected there to be. And of course the back of the castle was enclosed with a high wall, with the grounds spreading far beyond the city limits. At some point in time, the Volturi spent mass amounts of money to buy up the vacant land that was behind the castle. They never really did anything with it, but it was beautiful back there. There was even a slight river that ran through, though brook was more like it.

"Darling no, you should know that. But Heidi is right, you should have a coat or something. And to think in a little over a month, you won't have to worry about such trite things." Aro's not so subtle reminder that I would no longer be human kind of put a damper on my already bad mood caused by such a rude wake-up call.

I grabbed the Dolce jacket that I'd strewn about on one of the chairs last night when I got undressed, which of course only made Heidi suck her teeth at me. She hated when I didn't treat designer clothes with the respect that she thought they deserved. We clearly would never see eye to eye on some things.

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