Chapter 4: I'm Working On It

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A deep breath escaped my lips as I tried to recompose myself. I had reached the point of no return.

"Okay, I'll humor you and your vampire talk. What would you know about vampires? The usual: holy water, garlic, sunlight? You're a strange one Bella DiMarco." His laugh was unsettling in a way that he felt uncomfortable. I took a quick look at the Cullen table, and his siblings were not crazy about the idea that I may already know about vampires before I moved to Forks.

"No I mean, sparkle in the sun, eyes change from red to black, well in your case honey to black, and reading minds?" I had not known it was possible for a vampire to become even more pale than they already were.

"I think it would be best if I spoke to your entire family at the same time. I'm sure that you will have a lot of questions for me. Perhaps your sister would like the chance to kill me?" I pointedly looked at Rosalie who was scowling at me. I was surprised that I kept my cool despite her menacing appeal. The pixie vampire, Alice, was bouncing up and down.

"You'll follow me home after-school. You're right, we will have much to discuss." The pleasantry that was once a cadence to his voice was gone. It went completely dead.

I suppressed a smile as I went back to my table with Jessica. There were only a few minutes left of lunch and then I'd be in biology. With Edward.

".Gosh. How was it? What did you talk about? Did he ask you out?" Jessica's questions were bombarding me as soon as I reclaimed my seat. "Edward freakin' Cullen!"

I did a doubletake on how ridiculous Jessica was acting towards Edward. Just last week she told me don't bother, and now she was practically hyperventilating over his name.

"Jess, relax. He only asked about our work in Biology. He's my lab partner and he missed all of last week."

The boys at the table mellowed out when they heard that Edward didn't have any romantic feelings towards me. Mike and Eric resumed asking me about going to La Push on Friday, but I told them that I didn't know what my plans were yet. Of course they were upset, but they tried their best not to let it show.

Once the bell rang, Mike patiently waited for me to gather my bag off of the floor. He took great pride in having the chance to walk me to class. Eric and Tyler's classes were in other buildings, far from the science building, so Mike always played up his role as my protector.

"So I see Cullen's back." Mike sneered as we continued to class.

"What is up between you two? Why don't you like him?"

"Because he thinks he can get every girl he wants. He just flashes a smile and all the girls love him for it. It's like he's some fictional character that every female want to be his leading lady. It's quite disgusting."

"Mike, don't be silly. Jessica said he doesn't even date. And what fictional character could he possibly be?"

We were walking into the Biology and there were still a lot of seats that were open. Edward's of course was full of his yummyness. "Idk, it's just something is off about him." I waved him off but he held onto my hand and intertwined our fingers. "See this is nice."

"Aggh, Mike I think from now on you should know we are friends. I'm not interested in you or anyone for that matter." I pulled my hand from his grasp, and a few of the boys booed at Mike's attempt to trap me into a relationship.

I grabbed my seat next to Edward, but his stone cold face sort of scared me off. I didn't want to be bothered with his moods, so I flipped my hair to the side, creating a wall between us. Of course, I was still able to peek through my hair every so often and see that he was still staring at me.

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