Chapter 30: Promise

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"I plan to get to the bottom of this." Aro reamed behind closed quarters after dismissing everyone. Thankfully, he didn't let on to his guests that there was more to be going on once they left. He saved that humiliation for those who knew better, both of my families; The Volturi and the Cullen's.

'Leave them out of it. They had no idea of what was going on until that night.' I warned Aro. Though I knew he only needed to read Carlisle or Alice's minds.

"Are you lying to me Bella? Is that what the Romanians meant that this wasn't the first lie you've told me?"

'Can you blame me uncle? You know good and well I hate the idea of loss of life. No one should be held prisoner from their family.' I decided to carry on the mental argument with Aro to the dismay of Emmett and Uncle Caius. I resisted the smirking at the similar expressions of frustration that they shared. But I knew if I could win Uncle Aro over on my own without any influence of my uncle the Cullen's would have a chance of getting out of this unscathed. To myself, I wasn't sure what would happen

"And that wasn't your decision to make!" Aro came back at me.

'And I take full responsibility because Eric, Garrick and I built up a friendship and I knew how miserable they were here. I did what I did for them because they were putting their lives on the line for me. For a fight they had absolutely nothing to do with. Can't you understand uncle, that it was only right that I do the same thing for them?' I knelt down on my knees in front of Aro as a sign of submission and humility. I'd seen him any given time of executing vampires after they've bowed down to him in a similar fashion.

"And you want to take full responsibility? Knowing exactly what that means?" Aro held up his hand and placed it on my head, in the same spot that his hand was on Stefan's face only an hour earlier. I could hear Edward's feet shuffle forward to get to me, and my heart broke.

'Edward, don't. Jasper and Emmett, please stop him.' I said without turning around. I was sacrificing myself and there was no way I could face any of them. Esme, Carlisle, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice. And especially Edward. 'Edward please, I can't bear to look at your face right now. I want my last memory of you to be smiling.'

"It doesn't happen often, but as my niece I'll grant you a last request." I looked up at Aro in surprise. There was more to his words than what anyone in the room would know besides my uncles. It wasn't that the gesture didn't happen often, it was the first time a request was offered.

'Pardon the Cullen's of everything against them tonight. Completely, so that they are free to leave right now without any repercussions from you and the guard. All I want is for them to be safe.'

"Bella stop! You don't need to do this. Don't do it!" Edward screamed behind me and it was then that I realized that Edward was the only one who heard the two-sided conversation through Aro's mind. Now my heart felt completely broken. I had hoped there would be some way to tell Edward how I really felt but the arrival of the wolves put a dent in the original plan. It wasn't supposed to end like this. And now I was going to die with Edward thinking I choose Felix over him.

"Demetri, Felix? Please escort the Cullen's to gather their belongings. Their presence is no longer required or warranted. They are to leave the premises immediately." Aro ordered and the company me complied. I still refused to acknowledge them by looking at them, I didn't want to see them leaving me even though that was the only thing that would keep them safe.

'Please take care of Charlie, and each other. I love all of you. Please remember that. I've always loved you.' I thought as I heard them being pushed and pulled out of the empty antechamber. 'I love you.'

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