Chapter 11: Old Friend

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I watched him as he crossed the room and eyed Eric up and down.

"Pleasure to meet you." I stifled my laughter as Eric looked on like he had two heads.

"Class," Principal Green started. "This is Felix Voltero, he will be joining you today, s let's give him a Forks welcome." Mr. Green looked uncomfortable around Felix, as he should. Most humans were unconsciously aware of the danger they were in around vampires.

I stared at Felix as he walked nonchalantly behind Eric to his chair. Ben promptly raised from his desk and found a new chair so that Felix could sit next to Eric.

Mr. Tarro started class and unfortunately, there was no way that I could speak with Felix because of the way our chairs were positioned. But knowing that Felix was in arms reach, I couldn't concentrate on a single word.

"Do you know him?" Angela whispered. I pretended that I hadn't heard her, and when she repeated it, Mr. Tarro thankfully distracted her with a question. I wasn't sure how to answer the question since I didn't know why he was here.

Of course the distraction didn't last long, it was a free for all when the bell rang.

"So Bella, long time no see?" I turned at the angelic sound of Felix's voice. So it appeared that whatever his cover was, we at least knew each other. "I've missed you."

"Yeah Felix. I've missed you too." I gathered my things, but Felix took my books from me. He wasn't at all interested in the whispers of the students around us. I, however, was very much aware of them, and the proximity of Felix's body as we walked down the hallway.

"So, what are you doing here?" I whispered. The hallway was crowded with loud teenagers, but I knew with his enhanced hearing, he would have no problems.

"Your uncles sent me to check on you. Charlie has told us that you broke up with your boyfriend and that you were in pain." Felix had an air of mock sympathy, he even placed his hands over his heart.

"What do you mean, you talk to Charlie?"

"Not me personally. But he's spoken with Aro. Since you've been here, they speak about once a month. And since you stopped calling, Aro has more of a relationship with your father than you, he feels."

"Dude come on! Our class is in a different building than hers and we're gonna be late." Eric interrupted our conversation, and for the moment I was brought back to reality. I hurried to my Oceanography class, allowing one more glimpse of Felix as he followed Eric to whatever class they had next.

I didn't see Felix till lunch.

Of course, by then, the news that the two new kids knew each other was a big hit. Especially amongst Jessica and Lauren. It seemed to eat Lauren apart that yet another gorgeous member of the male population preferred my company.

I walked into the cafeteria, expecting to see Felix at the table with everyone else, but nope. Everyone was there alright, except him. I made my way over to the table and caught Eric's attention.

"Hey hey, Bella! We're planning another trip to La Push. You in?"

Eric had a big smile plastered to his face, but I ignored the question.

"Eric, where is the guy that was with you?"

"Oh Felix? Yo, man that dude is weird! Sometimes it seems like he doesn't move. But he seemed pretty interested in you. You two know each other?" Eric asked. I saw the mouths of Mike and Tyler drop at the mention that someone had already taken an interest in me. They were unbelievable, it was like they expected everyone to respect this unknown claim they had on me.

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