Chapter 16: Back From the Dead

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It was hard to convince Eric to leave the rest of his tribe behind. His main concern, which was shared by Garick, was their safety while he was gone. Aro assured him and gave his word, that no harm whatsoever will come their way. Aro could be very lethal and manipulating, but he would never go behind his word.

I spent my last night with Felix, but we didn't do anything, but sit and talk most of the night. I told him about Aro's promise that I would be changed into a vampire when I came back. Surprisingly, he was upset that Aro was forcing immortality on me.

"Why did you keep running away from me after we kissed?" I was drifting off to sleep after hours of talking and hanging out with Felix, and I had finally worked up the nerve to find out the source of the frustration I felt after each event.

Felix caressed my cheek, barely touching it. "I wanted you to come to me on your own volition. Not because you were threatened, or hurting. I for damned sure didn't want you if you were feeling the slightest bit vulnerable. I think that I loved you the day you found out about us. You took the news with such stride, and coolness. And it was only when you left that I realized that I needed to be with you. When you came back that I realized that I needed to fight for you."

"And now I'm leaving again. What's going to happen next?" I was definitely sleepy, but I wanted to see the conversation through.

"I don't know. But until we do, I can just hold you." If Felix said anything more after that, I wouldn't know. I was oblivious to all things but sleep.

It was very disorienting to wake up on a plane, and not where I last remembered being, Felix's arms.

I took a look around and saw that I was on the Volturi's private plane and I was seated next to Eric. I couldn't find Garick anywhere.

"Good morning Bella. I trust you slept well?" Eric's blue eyes bore into me and they were most intoxicating.

"I did, thank you. How where are we?" I couldn't shake the groggy feeling so I signaled to the flight staff for some juice.

"Currently we are flying over Indianapolis. We should be in Washington in about an hour." Eric informed me. I tried to not let it show how upset I was that I didn't get to say goodbye to anyone in Volterra.

"So what's the plan? Am I supposed to know who you guys are when we touchdown in Forks?"

"No. We will part at the airport in Seattle. Your father I believe will pick you up at the main gate. My brother and I will be driven to the house that the Volturi has already purchased for us to live in. I believe it is directly across the street from yours?" I nodded my head that he was correct.

"There have been movers there since this morning, planting the idea that me and my brother will be arriving in a few days. You won't be without protection though. We'll be staying in a hotel, but will be taking shifts protecting you around the clock. Once we move in, I'll be attending high school with you. My older brother will stay home and keep up appearances as being a stay at home care giver."

I smiled at the image of Garick in an apron making cookies. It was such a strange visual that popped in my head. "How does that work? Garick is your older brother, but you're the Alpha of the pack?"

"Hmm-hmm, yes. Garick is only my half brother. Though we share the same mother, his father was not of the tribe. My father however, was a direct descendant to the chief of the pack, so naturally and genetically, I am the Alpha." I thought about what he had said, and it was definitely acceptable.

"So even though we don't know each other, will I be allowed to drive you to school. You know as your neighbor?" I laughed at the thoroughness of the cover story even though I knew it was necessary.

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