Chapter 15: You Came

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Alec insisted that we hurry up and get to the antechamber room, which only intensified the very wrong feeling that I had. It seemed that my heart was beating as fast as Felix was carrying me.

I kept asking Alec if it was James, but no one would answer me. I tried looking at Demetri but we were running so fast, I couldn't bear to lift my head to far away from Felix's shoulder. We reached the side door where Gianna was waiting to hand out robes to the three vampires.

"Felix, don't leave me. Please?" I clutched at his shirt. I'd break every single nail if I had to, but I didn't want to be left alone. I looked to Alec for help.

"No, Eric is already in place, he can't leave and Felix is needed, but Demetri can stay. That way you can still be connected, and Demetri will be able to read our visitor." Demetri nodded, and I released my grip on Felix's shirt. Gianna took the extra robe back to her closet and left.

"Are you sure Bella?" I nodded my head and buried it in Demetri's back. Felix and Alec disappeared through the door and then left the door slightly cracked. Though I couldn't hear anything, I knew this was mainly for Demetri to hear.

"Is it James?" I whispered to Demetri. I hoped that he would tell me the truth. Though I suspected that even if it was, in an effort to keep me from worrying, he would lie to me.

"No." I resisted the urge to ask him if he was lying to me.

Suddenly I heard a scream of anguish. Whoever was in there, angered Jane. I recognized those type of screams. Aro prided himself on finding Jane and Alec. They were valuable assets to the guard since their powers allowed them to stay on the offensive without even moving. I nearly felt bad for whoever Jane was subjecting her gift to.

I loved the perpetual child but when it came to inflicting pain, sometimes she took her job a little too seriously. I used to wonder if I didn't have the ability to block her gift, if our relationship would have been different.

"Edward's taking a pretty good beating in there," simultaneously, I felt Demetri's body tense up.

I took a step back away from Demetri. "What did you say?" I asked resolutely. I studied Demetri's face, and though he never repeated himself, his eyes told me everything.

"Edward is in there? My Edward?" Without waiting for an answer, I ran as fast as I could through the partially open door, praying that Demetri was too stunned to chase me. He did chase me but by the time he caught me, I'd been frozen still.

By my accounts, it was a horrific scene. Edward was writhing in pain, his eyes were closed to me. There was a frightfully content smile upon Jane's face. Aro and the rest of the guard looked on inquisitively.

"Stop it, Jane. Stop!" I yelled. It was weird seeing how shocked Jane was when she heard my voice. Aro simply looked annoyed.

I ran over to Edward and helped him up. I stared into his coal black eyes as he studied me.

"I don't know what to believe. Are you alive? Or are you my angel to guide me to Heaven?" I heard some snickers from the guard behind me but I paid them no mind.

"Edward, I'm alive. What are you doing in Italy?" I asked.

"Rose was finally able to get a hold of me last night, and told me that you died. She wanted me to come home." My mouth dropped. I knew that Rose initially had a problem with me, but I thought that we had at least come to an understanding when she helped me with my truck shopping. But to say something as hurtful as I had died, was so wrong.

"I am sure that I am still breathing, Edward. But you didn't answer why you were here."

There was a look of puzzlement on Edward's face for a moment before he spoke. "Do you remember the day in your kitchen when we continued a conversation about your mortality? You wanted to become a vampire, and I wanted you to remain human. You reminded me that you would die eventually, and wondered what I would do. I told you I'd have the Volturi kill me. What are you doing here?"

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