Chapter 32: Coming Together

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I was a little daunted with the revelation that Bella was still alive. There were so many questions swirling through our minds; the main one being, why hasn't she contacted us in all this time?

The only thing that was clear to both me and I, however, was Edward was not to know about Bella just yet. The position I found myself in was strange; I alone had to block my mind from Edward. With Alice miles away, I was jealous of my youngest daughter.

I mulled over my options, even by taking separate cars, Edward would
still be able to read my mind if he followed close enough.

Dr. Abernathy's office was near and I ducked in quickly after hearing that no one was in there. I found a new medical journal on his desk and read it cover to cover, committing new procedures and theories to my memory. Once I was done, I checked back in on Charlie who had fallen back asleep.

"Carlisle!" I heard Emmett's voice call out from the parking lot when I walked out of the hospital for the last time this century. Edward was sitting in his Volvo, awaiting the drive.

"Where's Rose?" I asked.

"She wanted a quick hunt she should be back any minute." Emmett answered back. I risked a quick glimpse of Edward, his nose was pinched which only told me that he'd realized that I was blocking him from something.

"What's wrong Carlisle?" Edward asked me, he was rather unaccustomed to me blocking my mind. Other than the stunt I'd helped Bella pull over the summer, my mind is generally open for Edward.

"I'm just worried about Charlie. I'm confident that the others will take care of him but it's just that he's the only link that's left of Bella." I opened my mind allowing Edward to see Charlie lying in the bed. I was careful to keep my mind from thinking of our conversation before returning to the medical journals I had memorized.

"I'll follow you Edward, that way, I'll just slow down if you think a cop is ahead." Edward nodded as we sat in our respective cars waiting for Rose. And once she hopped in the backseat of Edward's car we drove.

It took us several hours to get to Illinois, approximately four hours, before I drew back from Edward's tail. It only took him twenty seconds to call me on my phone. "Is something wrong Carlisle?"

"No, I'm just a bit hungry. You go on ahead and I'll catch up."

"What about cops?" I heard Emmett call out from the backseat.

"I'll just call Alice before I start up again. Go!" I assured them and watched them drive off. I pulled the car over on the side of the road, with no intentions of hunting. I just needed to put some distance between me and Edward.

I pulled out my phone and called the only one who could give me some answers.

"Hello?" I heard on the other end and sighed.

"Excuse me sirs, you have a phone call." Gianna's voice called out from the doors. She didn't dare come in during dinner so she only slightly opened the door and whispered the words to me. It didn't matter; I could still smell her scent wafting through the air, simply mouthwatering. She'd make a wonderful meal someday. There was only one person that would miss her.

"Take a message," I urged her. Disruptions during dinner were greatly frowned upon.

"It's Carlisle. He says it's urgent." I looked back at Bella who stood strong at the thrones, even at Carlisle's name. Not a single flinch. I was amazed that Chelsea's gift worked on her. Marcus confirmed that her loyalties were with the guard and more importantly with me.

"My brothers and I will take the call Gianna in my office. Please let him know we won't keep him waiting long." I answered and it didn't take long for Marcus and Caius to finish their meals before they followed me to my office, as did Renata and Bella.

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