Chapter 9: One Side

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Alice was right, Charlie gave into her whim and allowed me to go on a shopping spree that lasted an entire month with her and Esme. Of course, he wanted Esme's assurance that Edward would not be joining us on our trip. Esme kept her word.

For Charlie's benefit, Edward and Carlisle stayed in town, allowing Forks, and more importantly Charlie see that they did not hitchhike on our shopping excursion.

It was the longest month of my life.

The rest of the summer was nice as well. After some time, everything that had happened during spring break was forgotten, though the round-the-clock surveillance for me and Charlie continued regardless.

Rose and Emmett left as planned for their trip around the world. Everyone in town thought that they won scholarships to Brown University and were headed there early to set up.

I'd also taken some time to forgive Jacob, mostly because Charlie would not shut up about it. Our reunion was nice, I had to admit. We walked First Beach and talked about the new things in our life. Jake also showed me the tidal pools and kept me from falling in one. I found that I liked spending time with him, and often visited La Push while Edward went hunting.

I felt bad when he discovered that I was going out with Edward. I remembered how Jessica and Mike had gathered everyone together on the last weekend before school started and we went to First Beach. It was still late August, and the weather wasn't cold yet, so I decided to join them even though Edward was forbidden to go. He was mad that I insisted on not attending junior prom, and as a compromise, I told him that I would do this one trite human thing. I had to give it to him; he was annoyingly persistent in keeping me human.

I ran over to Angela's side who was talking with Ben, and when she saw me, her eyes lit up. She looked so happy.

"Bella! I'm so glad you made it. I didn't think you would come." She said from over my shoulder when we hugged.

I laughed her off for a second before answering, "Why wouldn't I come?"

"Well you spend so much time with the Cullen's, and they never come to these type of things."

I felt entirely too guilty for letting the Cullen's dominate my time like that, and vowed that I would never let that happen again.

It started to get dark about an hour into the party, and I was about to leave when Jacob and about three of his friends showed up. The four of them seemed tall; especially Jacob who looked like he grew six inches over night. I didn't realize how cold I was until Jacob gave me a hug.

My skin felt so nice against the warmth of his and I didn't want him to let me go, and sensing this, he didn't. We sat on our favorite bleached tree stump, earning some leers from his friends that he introduced me to, Seth, Embry, and Quil. All three were shocked when Jake told them my name because they were sure he had made me up. Jacob growled at them playfully and I couldn't help but laugh at his expense. This was easy.

"Do you want me walk you to your truck?" He had asked when the party was winding down. I'd stayed a lot later than I intended to and looked at my watch to see that it was nearly eleven o' clock. I listened to everyone around me as they too were headed back up the bank to their cars. Jessica couldn't believe that we were going to be seniors.

"Sure Jake. Thanks." Despite my eagerness to be close to Jacob before, I maintained a decent amount of space between us as we headed back to my truck.

He was kind enough to open the door for me. "Thanks again, Jake." I threw him a smile, and instantly regretted it. He looked at me with longing eyes for about five seconds before finding a pebble on the ground particularly interesting.

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