Chapter 28: It's Time

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"Is it really necessary for my name to be announced? Couldn't we just like walk in and mingle?" I asked Demetri while I was changing into my gown. It was an exquisite royal blue floor length gown that bunched on the side, pulled together by a diamond crusted butterfly. The dress was gorgeous but the shoes were dreadful. I suppose on someone who was used to stiletto heels they were phenomenal, but to me they looked like a death trap. But I guess since technically I was dead, there wasn't anything to worry about.

I came out of the ridiculously huge closet dressed. I pulled my hair up in a simple up do, I knew Heidi and Alice would be upset if I did absolutely nothing to my hair.

"How do I look?" I asked needlessly. As soon as he saw
me, Demetri took a sharp intake of breath and just continued staring at me.

"Is that for me?" I asked of the box in Demetri's hand, and internally groaned.

"Yeah. It's from Aro." He opened the box to show a beautiful necklace that had a diamond the size of a small child's fist. "It's one of the baubles he's had lying around for centuries." Demetri took the necklace and clasped it around my neck.

"Now I'd say you're ready to be presented to the world." His lips curled into a smile and I couldn't help but return it with a smile of my own.

We ran to the grand ballroom hand in hand. Just as the run in my forest, it felt odd to run, something I avoided doing while I was but a clumsy human. But now, I loved pushing
my legs faster against the ground. The feeling was so exhilarating.

Of course once I remembered what we were running towards I began to slow down. Unfortunately, when I came to a stop, we were already there.

"Oh my goodness, Bella, you look fabulous!" Gianna exclaimed. I walked over to her and gave her a hug, though she was a bit hesitant since I was a newborn.

"It's okay G. I already hunted and I'm not thirsty." I smiled at her in reassurance, careful not to show too much teeth. I was pleased that she hugged me with both arms.

"So are you ready?" She asked me but she already knew the answer. "Here is your mask." She handed me a blue mask that covered my eyes only that was glued to a black stick.

"Ok. Seriously, what's the point of a masquerade ball if everyone is being announced?"

"I do not know. Ask your uncle that." Gianna smiled before turning around to someone who stood behind the door. I heard her whisper me and Demetri's name, presumably to whoever was going to announce us.

I needlessly took a very deep breath, expecting the movement to calm my nerves. Was I the only vampire that for nervous? Suddenly, I heard the words I was dreading to hear since the moment I learned of this ball.

"Presenting Isabella Marie Swan, Princess of the Volturi Guard, being escorted by Demetrius Antonio Gallo, member of the Volturi Guard." I growled silently at my announcement since Aro promised I wouldn't be called the princess. I searched the ballroom until my eyes rested on the three thrones that were brought over from the turret room. And of course my uncles were sitting proudly watching my entrance. I found myself in a position where I was deeply mad at Aro, if only for a brief moment.

I oddly felt at peace that I was gliding, walking down steps no less; as graceful as everyone else seemed to be. I held the mask close to my face, since everyone had their masks on. At the bottom of the steps, Felix stood waiting for me. Despite his mask, I could tell it was him by his posture and his hair. I gave him a smile but my eyes detracted to Edward, who had made his way through the crowd.

Both men I loved, but I could only be with one. I had to choose one. I thought about staying in Demetri's arms for the night, but that would be cowardly. The next idea was no better, I could walk right in between them, practically ignoring their presence and taking my supposed place next to Aro. No, a decision needed to be made.

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