Chapter 38: Standoff

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"Yeah. They'll be here tomorrow." He pulled me through the door swiftly and we proceeded to run at great speed down the staircase. Everyone was already in the living room when we arrived.

"I'm sorry Edward, he only just made the decision." Alice looked upset that she didn't see anything sooner.

"It's not your fault Alice." Edward reassured her.

"How could they mobilize so quickly? I thought for sure we had a few months for him to get everyone on board." Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"Months? Why would it have taken months for them to get here?" Emmett asked.

"Well in order to get everyone in the Volturi in one spot, it takes a minimum of two months to transport the entirety of the guard, including the wives." I informed the Cullen's of my experience. If they were going to arrive here by tomorrow that would mean Aro had this planned at least two months ago. Well before I even dreamed of contacting the Cullen's.

"That's because he's not bringing everyone." I looked behind me and Marcus had entered silently from the front door. "The likely scenario, Aro will want to keep this secret. Afterall, myself along with the Princess of the Volturi has defected from the guard. If it gets out to the rest of the vampire world that the Volturi can be defied by at least two of the most powerful bodies from within, there would be rather drastic and embarrassing results for Aro."

"Who's coming with him?" Emmett and Carlisle looked to Alice or Edward to answer the question they asked at the same time.

"I saw Aro and Caius, along with Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix. The shield Renata was there too. I didn't notice anyone else in the vision." Alice looked to Edward to confirm her story and he nodded his head ever so slightly.

"That makes sense. With the exception of Renata, the last four were here when we officially declared ourselves enemies of the Volturi." Marcus commented.

"But," Emmett looked thoroughly confused. "How will coming with just that little bit give him the upperhand to overtake us? Bella pointed out the last time they couldn't touch us mentally. And Felix is the only one that is physical."

"It's true the guard hasn't been physical in a fight in quite some time, it doesn't mean they can't fight. Bella can tell you all about her training that she received in Volterra." Marcus answered for Emmett.

"So we can assume that Aro wants Bella." Carlisle spoke up again.

"It's a possibility. If he can manage to disable Bella, the rest of us will be unprotected. Jane and Alec alone will wreak havoc with us. Though he knows to get to Bella, he'll have to get through all of us." For the first time I noticed Marcus count himself amongst the Cullen's. I was very disheartened about the odds against us though.

"Alice can you see what their agenda is?" Carlisle looked at her but everyone could see that she was straining.

"No. It's like he hasn't made up his mind. I'm sorry." I felt bad for Alice. She always felt like a failure when her visions seemed useless.

"Do you think this is something Jacob should get involved in?" Jasper's long drawl was intoxicating.

"I brought him here to protect Charlie. He'll do just that." I retorted and was dangerously close to drawing out a growl from between my teeth.

"So is that the plan? We just wait?" Rosalie wasn't happy, and everyone could understand why. Waiting wasn't something any of us were used to. Rose sat on the corner of the table, seething in rage and I couldn't tell if it was because yet again I brought this on her family.

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