Chapter 3: If You Were A Vampire

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"Will someone speak to me?" I asked impatiently.

Finally Aro spoke up.

"You are right to assume that Edward and his family are vampires. But they are not like us, in any way."

I was confused. I had no idea that there were different species of vampires.

"You see the Cullen's have a particular aversion to the regular diet. They claim that they are preserving human life by their special diet."

"Which is?"

"The Cullen's prefer animal blood. More specifically, large mammals, wolves, elk, the such. I'm amazed that he has found other like minded vampires to stick to such a diet. Surely they should have gone mad by now. But likewise, because of their diet, their eyes take on a different color than ours. While we have red, they have a honey tone."

"He?" I inquired.

"Bella, he is Carlisle Cullen. Our young visitor many centuries ago. You've seen the portrait in my office."

"The blonde one? He looked so much more like an angel than a vampire. I can't believe I didn't put two and two together.

"Wait uncle, if you knew about this other diet, why did you not suggest it to me, knowing that was the main reason I did not take up the family business."

"Are there ears around you, young Bella?" Caius picked up on my not so subtle hint.

"Maybe. Just a precaution, I guess." I continued staring out the window.

"I didn't suggest it because it's not natural."

"Oh and you are? Everything about you guys should not be natural."

"You may have a point, but we do. And what they do is not."

"And if I choose that way, you would consider me unnatural as well?"

"I wouldn't outcast you Bella, but please understand this, while you may believe that we shouldn't exist, animal blood is not the natural order of things. The Cullen's have perverted our life with their ideals."

"And yet knowing my avoidance of the issue, despite your attempts to err, hire me, you failed to mention something that was a deal breaker for me."

I failed miserably to check the volume of my speech, and prayed that Charlie hadn't heard me.

"All I'm saying uncle is you knew there was an option, unnatural or not, and you did not give me a chance to consider all angles."

"I'm sorry Bella. If you think that was inconsiderate of me, please forgive me. I was not thinking, though I'm surprised you never asked me about the eyes before. You've met an animal drinker before. Eleazar, remember dear?" Aro apologized half-heartedly.

There was something about my uncle that I never fully trusted. No matter how much he told me the truth, I sometimes felt as though there was a hidden agenda. And this was one of those times. I did remember Eleazar, though not until Aro reminded me just now. He had shown up when I was six or seven, but spent all of ten seconds with me, despite being in the castle for two days. Of course this was before I knew of any vampires, so I hadn't given much thought to the beautiful tint in his eyes.

"Uncle. May I ask you a question." I took his silence as a sign to continue. "Would it be against the rules to tell them that I know? They already seem suspicious of me for a mistake I made, and maybe if they know I can be trusted with their secret, they won't be so wary of me."

It seemed like forever that I waited for his answer.

"What mistake are you referring to?" Caius' voice piped through.

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