Chapter 37: Decision

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"We have Charlie. The pup and his father are following us to this cute little place that Esme found. It's on the shore of a lake, so it'll be easy to entice Charlie to stay there if something comes up." Alice was whispering into her phone, but being a vampire I heard it as perfect as if she was standing right next to me.

"Good. I'm still in Forks. It's probably best that I hung out here for a day before heading back. I'd probably give Charlie another heart attack if he realized how long it doesn't take me to get there. Any idea what the Volturi are planning?"

"Good point. No, but I'm looking for any decisions by Aro, so we'll see something soon, I'm sure."

"I know it's a lot, but look at Caius' and Jane's as well. The hierarchy at the Volturi is very similar to the executive system of the United States. With Aro's mind out of commission, and Marcus on our side, Caius would be next in line, followed by Jane."

"Okay, got it. Hey, hurry back home, Edward's been moping and it's really depressing the rest of us. Especially Jasper."

Me and Alice shared the laugh that naturally accompanied with her statement.

"I'll make it there soon. And thank you for this Alice. I know it can't be easy with Jacob there."

"Pfsh, don't worry about it. You're the one that saved my family from certain death. And it wasn't the first time either. I'd say we were pretty even. Love you Bella."

"Love you too Alice." I ended the call and sat at the Cullen's house. I stayed away from Charlie's because I didn't want his neighbors to see me hanging out there. The last thing I needed was to accidentally step into a sliver of sunlight and someone see me. And I also didn't want to be cooped up because of the sun.

And besides, although the Aston Martin wasn't the flashiest car that the Cullen's owned, it was definitely the flashiest car that was being driven in the city limits of Forks. The manor provided the privacy that I craved and needed.

For a while, I tinkered with the keys on Edward's piano, but I never learned how to play, so it was just soft noise. My fingertips lingered on the ivory keys as I tried to listen to my memories of Edward playing his lullaby for me. Though the notes didn't match my memories, they still solicited a smile at the thought of Edward.

Next, I wandered into the garage. The Cullen's had way too much money. There were three cars there that they decided not to bring with them to New York. Typical. I was about to walk back out when I noticed something under a tarp that was too small for a car.

I was mesmerized by the all black machine that was before me. I had no idea of whose it was, but I wanted to drive it. I found the key rack by the garage door and saw the key I needed. Santiago taught me how to ride a motorcycle in Italy and I loved how the wind rushed past me. And now that I wasn't a fragile human, I didn't plan on wearing a helmet.

I heard the chirp of my phone alerting me of a text message, and saw one from Alice: Don't, u'll get stopped by the cops. Wait til 2morrow.

I growled softly my frustration. Screw this, I decided to just go ahead and drive back. I'll deal with Charlie's wrath later. I replaced the tarp over the motorcycle and started my drive back to New York, saying goodbye once and for all to Forks.

I made it to South Dakota before feeling the twinge of blood thirst and pulled over to hunt. There wasn't much for me to find save for a couple of coyotes. I was crazy bored with the return drive, it was completely different then the drive to Forks. In Forks, I had my father's safety as my one and only concern. But now I had no idea what I wanted as my focus. Of course top priority would still be Charlie, but the added stress of what to do with Edward was nagging at the back of my brain.

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