Chapter 39: Is This the End?

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"Would you like to know the rest of the story? It's all rather interesting you see. In a fit to keep control of some amazing plan, a young vampire killed his sister all so her mate could remain loyal to some cause of gaining power. Wouldn't you agree that it sounds intriguing?" I heard Marcus on the other end of the phone as if he was standing right beside me. Aro's voice stayed even, but I could tell he was ruffled by what he was hearing by his faltering smile, that he wasn't as collected as he tried to appear.

"How?" He simply said and I wasn't sure what he meant.

"I've always known, if you want the truth. I just couldn't do anything because of Chelsea. But then, our Bella came along and released me from that prison you built for me. I've waited and waited for an opportunity to present itself, and just as I counted on, your greed has done just that."

"What do you want?"

"You'll leave Bella, the Cullen's, and myself alone for all of your pathetic existence. No order from you, Caius or rogue guard member may lead to the direct or indirect harm of that family or anyone they protect. And I will grant you two things: I'll leave Sulpicia alive, a mercy that you did not afford me. And finally the entire vampire population will be kept in the dark in regards to the faux pas that you were about to commit. And order will be restored and you still have all of the power."

"And if I don't concede?" Aro's stern voice was alien to me. It was more than stern it was tense and strained, something I never heard in Aro's voice ever.

"One flick of my wrist, and Sulpicia will be no more dead than Didyme. What say you?"

"You do one thing to harm her, and I'll kill Bella." Aro threatened, refusing to be backed in a corner.

I could hear Marcus chuckling lightly through the phone. "You could try to make that idiotic move, I guarantee that Bella isn't there alone. And tell Demetri there's no use in scanning where the Cullen's are. Bella's shielding is rather superb." I hadn't even thought about blocking them until now, and I quickly sent my shield the hundred and fifty miles to Syracuse. I felt around for the Cullen's to enter my shield bubbles. "But I think you should just cut your losses."

"Will you be joining us in the Volturi once again, Brother?"

"Actually, I will, however, I must confess that before you start plotting my demise, the Cullen's have in their possession a few items that will ensure your fall Aro. There are actually three other safety features of my own that are in place that I could fall back on so that in the event something should happen to me, your entire empire will be in ruin."

"Fine Marcus. We will play this by your rules. We'll be home once the jet is refueled. Have Heidi have something ready for us by the time we get back." Aro huffed and growled as he ended the call and handed me my phone back. He stared me down and I stared him back. More and more people were being drawn to the scene that we were creating.

"Well uncle, I think for the sake of the humans that you so despise of, we should pretend that I'm saying farewell to all of you. They seem awfully interested in all of us." I took a tentative step closer to Aro who also moved hesitantly towards me as well. The hug was strained and non loving, completely different from the hugs we've given in the past. "Aro? Despite the fact that you were planning on killing the reason of my existence, I still love you. But I hope you don't expect me to ever forgive you."

"I wouldn't think of it dear." I was puzzled by his meaning but I didn't want to question it for too long. Uncle Marcus had saved all of us and there was no need to worry and look over our shoulders constantly. "Everyone say goodbye to Bella. Renata, tell the pilot we'll be leaving as soon as possible." Aro turned and waited for those who wished to say goodbye to do so. Which surprisingly, turned out to be Felix, Demetri, and Jane.

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