Chapter. 2

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"Aphmau pleaseeee, tell me what's going on. I am so lost" I state, raising my eyebrows and side glancing Aphmau.

"Aaron I never wanted to say but I moved because OF people knowing my "power." I'll tell you but you can tell anyone else ok." She says hesitantly. "OK." I said wanting to know more about this. "There once was my crummy, old, ex boyfriend Zane! I hate him so much." She says quietly, a tear slid down her cheek. "He wanted me to marry him because of my power, he want to use me and kill people so no one would stand in his way of getting to me. I realize now that in the end he would've killed me for my power. So I moved and wanted no one to know of my secret beside people I can trust, Aaron...."

As she was explaining that I could tell by her sniffles that she was about to break but I couldn't help but say "Yes Aphmau."  "I need to know now, If you would tell people of my secret."  "No Aphmau you have my full trust and its your decision to tell me who I can tell and who not to tell, ok." I say to her. As I looked over I could see her smiling with her beautiful teeth.

"Aphmau please you don't have to cry." I say, not really knowing how to comfort her. "Aaron." She asked me out of the blue. "Yes Aphmau." I reply "Can I stay at your place please?" She asked shyly, I didn't want to push her on, it sounded like she was about to cry but since she was I didn't know what to do. "Yah if you don't mind me asking why?" I said not wanting to push her buttons and trying not to TRIGGERRRR her.

"Because I realized that my house smells like wet paint, I don't have any furniture up AND, don't want to get hurt again!" She said smirking, I guess she knew at some point that I thought she was going to cry again. "Yes you can stay I will sleep o-"  "AARON STOP!!!!" Those words escaping her lips as I looked forwards and saw a deer running onto the same side of the road that I was on.

I swerved to miss the car but as I was doing that and the deer was occupied with jumping out of the road, my car hit the side railing hard and flipped. The car kept on flipping as it was hitting trees and bushes.

I felt my arm being tugged away from the spot it was on, only to see Aphmau unbuckling my seat belt, grabbing my arm, and opening her door and jumping out with me being tugged along beside her,

My vision was blurring out and black spots were appearing all over the place. I look up once my vision is clear only to see air bubbles coming out of the car that is depending down to the bottom of the river bank. I move around trying not to hurt myself on thorns, briers, twigs, and rocks.

I look down only to see a large patch of white sparkly feathers under me, and over top of me that has dark purple splattered around the area. I start freaking out and trying to push myself away from the coated feathers. I didn't know who they belonged to but I surely didn't like it

"Aphmau? Aphmau!" I scream, trying to find the only person who liked me for me and not that fact that I was 'hotter' than Chris Pratt. "Shh, Shh, Aaron, I'm right here everything id ok." Aphmau coos me to comfort, I don't know how she does it but she does.

"Aphmau... what is this?" I ask petting/picking up the no longer limp wing as It starts flapping around scaring me a little but then I examine it more.

"Ok, so you know how I said I was magic, and you saw me at the hospital." She said with hesitance in her voice. "Y-Yeah" I answered her. "Well I get my magic from being the decedent from Lady Irene.

"What?" I question, looking up at her with shock in my voice. "Yah, I don't like people knowing because most people now a days are snitches and they like to tell people secrets." She answers my question.

All of a sudden she stands up from her sitting position and looks down at me, but only slightly since I'm much taller than her. "I think we should start walking since it looks like we aren't going anywhere when we sit here.

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