Chapter. 7

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Aphmaus pov

All I could think about is 'why did this happen to me? Why did it go through my head to pull my wings out? And why did I t-.' As soon as I was about to say something else, Aaron came over and woke me up. He looked over at me with a sad and worried face, as if he was sorry for me. I decided to speak up to break the silence "Look Aaron I'm so sorry! I use my magics and open a portal with a purple light and walk through it!" I blurted out hiding my blushing face behind my hands.

"Hey, its ok. You don't need to worry about it, everything is going to be ok." Aaron tried to reassure me. It doesn't work that well tough. I feel a lump in my throat as I look at Aaron, my sight is getting blurry and every color that I can see is blending and mixing together.

"No, its not going to be ok, as you know I came here so people wouldn't know my power and look at what has happened!" I yell, my voice getting louder towards the end as I start to back up and shake.

"Aph, potato, everything is going to be ok, we'll make sure that this doesn't get out, nobody will know about it," Aaron tried to comfort me more as he stared to slowly walk towards me as I backup faster. "No, I'm sure that someone in this school has a connection to Zane or someone that knows him." I scream, my voice getting higher and straining my vocal cords.

I back up more, almost sprinting backwards as I turn around and run as fast as I can. I can hear my voice and nothing else. The soft slow breath coming out of my mouth, now burning my lounges as I force my feet to move faster.

I try to block out any sounds that I can but sadly I can hear Aarons foot steps racing behind me. His breath is still the same but I can hear it slightly getting heavier. "Aphmau stop!" He yells at me, as I am slowing down, my legs, lounges, and mouth, burning. Tears are still streaming down my face.

I put my hands together and close my eyes, trusting myself from what I last saw to not trip over anything from what I saw before my vision went dark. I feel most of my energy go to my hands as I try not to peak my eyes open to see the bight and blinding light coming out from my palms.

"No, Aphmau, You cant do this!" I barely hear from behind me, just his voice is making me want to cry. More tears fall as I open my eyes, blinding, and closing my eyes trying to get used to the light again. I can see the purple, black, and white portal in front of me.

I jump through as I look back to see it closing and Aaron trying to reach out and pull me back from the portal, but at last, its to late for me to go back. I've used to much energy that I'm going to have to rest.

Xx Aarons POV xX

I turned around and ran back to the group. I get back, out of breath and a burning anger in my eyes. I look up from hunching over to see everyone else looking down, some people hands behind their back, and some who have their arms crosses and just resting down by their sides. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" I yell in anger as I see all of them wince.

"Kawii~Chan thought that her ship was sailing and when Kawii~Chan walked in to see Aaron~Kun and Aphmau~Senpai cuddling with her 'wings' around Aaron~kun, Kawii~Chan freaked out and took a picture for her shrine." Kawii~Chan explains as she keeps her head down not wanting or meaning to get in trouble for her actions.

I look over to everyone else to see them acting the exact same way. "What did you all have to do with this?" I asked, my voice still affirmative and strong. "We though it was funny to joke about all of this, we we're not meaning for any harm to come." Someone said, with their voice low so I couldn't tell who it was.

"Get out of here and go home." I said, my voice tinted with sadness. "Goodbye Aaron~Kun." Kawii~Chan said as her voice was high and fast. "Yeah." I said, sadness washing over me as I watcher her mood change from scared to sadness.

I whip out my phone and put in my password, I open my text messages hoping that I can get my text through to her. 'Hey Aphmau, are you ok? I just need to know if you're safe or not. I can't every imagine that I would be the last person to see you and now you're hurt.' I sent her and waited in anticipating for her message to arrive.

I see a read receipt and immediately  jump up from the couch and look at my phone, making sure that I'm seeing this correctly. 'Yeah, I'm fine, just needed time to cool off. Stop calling me a potato also Aaron 8D' I read as I laugh, happy that there's finally a good light feeling in the air, no more tense actions that can set anyone on edge.

'Thank Irene that you're ok, I don't know what I would've done without you here!' I send and put my phone down and going to get me a good bag of Toritos. I hear a chime come from the living room where I left my phone as I see the message. 

'Hey, I'm going to try and summon a portal in your backyard, it might be hard so stay inside and just watch out the window.' I read her text and walk to the window that's facing my backyard. I see a dark light compared to the bright summer sun. I can see Aphmaus leg come out and carefully step onto the cold, wet grass.

As Aphmau takes her last step out into the bright and shiny light, I run out onto my back porch and scoop her up in a hug. I spun her around as I hear her giggle, that's the giggle that I felt like I haven't heard in years.

We both walk inside and lay on the couch, "Aphmau, what do you wan to watch?" I ask looking down at her. "Hmm... Maybe, the only movie we watch, all the other movies just need to let it go..." She says looking at me with her signature smirk on her face.

"Oh boy." I whisper to myself as I see Laurence, Zane, and Garroth outside of our window. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" I yelled summoning his sword out of no where. I see Aphmau look up and then faint. "What am I going to do with you?" I question myself and bend down to kiss her forehead. I fall asleep knowing that my Babygirl was safe and sound in my arms.

Word Count: 1,206

Updated: July, 14, 2017

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