Chapter. 28

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Xx Aphmaus pov xX

Me and Aaron walked with Sophia to the track benches and we sat down and ate.

"So, Sophie, Do you go to this school?" I ask looking her way. "No I don't I go to another school a little bit away from here. It's nice here thought that's why I come." she said with a little perk in her voice.

"So I heard this is your Boyfriend right!" she says as I give her a look meaning yes he is. "Nice you too look cute together!" she says with a perky smile plastered on her face.

Xx Later when Aph goes to her own home and Aaron goes to his own home xX

I got home and went straight to my room. I was really tired so I decided to take a quick nap, but I couldn't. It was something about that girl Sophie that made me think she would take Aaron from me.

No Aph your over exasperation. I went to sleep and when I woke up it was about 12:37am.
I saw something at the end of my bed looking up at me with there eyes just poking over the wooded frame of my bed.

"Hello?" I asked frightened by what could happen. "..." was all I got in response. "Wh-Who are you???" I am starting to sound really worried witch is exactly what I don't want to happen.

I look over to grab my phone but it wasn't there?!?! I look back up not wanting to look away this time so it couldn't pounce on me like I was its only thing to kill... Witch I think I was!!!

"I will take you!" the thing finally said witch I was quiet frightened. I always had a knife close to my bed cause I used to be scared at night and had to have Aaron over a few times cause I had heard noises.

"What-What do you mean?!?!" I ask well tears threaten to spill out of my eyes witch is not what I want happening.

"Look..." he said as I didn't do what he said. "LOOK!!!" the thing yelled again witch I looked away in fright again.

it all went black...


Haha look down more you thought I was going to leave you like that!


I finally woke up to where I was strapped up on a wooded block laying down in a dark room. I saw nothing but a few inches of my body with a red robe.

I heard a knock on my door when I saw some one, something, appear out of the darkness. "Look little girl don't say a word!!!" he says and starts to walk away.

I then hear Aaron's voice a little later at the door and I want to scream so badly.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN APHS HOUSE!!!" Aaron yells as I know he can be a little over-protective but at these moments in time I'm glad for that.

I hear steps come down the stairs as I see someone in a cop uniform and Aaron right next to them. "Hello are you aphm-" he says before Aaron interiors him. "OH APHMAU ARE YOU OK!!!" he yells coming over to me and undoing the things that held my hands and feet from moving so I couldn't get out.

"Umm... Aaron let the cop speak and I'm fine." I said as Aaron clears his throat and apologized to the cop.

"Yes umm Aphmau do you know how long you've been down here???"

"No sir..."

"You've been down here for 3 weeks..."


"Yes do you know what happened? it doesn't look like you did this to yourself."

"Yah I remember waking up one night with something at the end of my bed. I looked over to get my phone or a little pocket knife I keep next to my bed and he just said look. I didn't want to obey him but then he yelled it and as I was looking back he just hit me and I woke up here."

"Ah I see, well you might not want to stay here."

"Ok I will go some where else then."


Ok sorry but this is the ending... BYEEE

word count: 708!!!


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