Chapter. 23 (pt.2)

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Xx Aphmaus Pov xX
Aaron has been taking care of me for almost a  week now. "Here you go Aph, some nice and warm pot pie!" he says and hands me a bowl with steaming prices of chicken. "A-Aaron, you know you don't have to do this right. You could leave me here and I'll be fine!" I say as he almost replays immediately. "Oh, Oh, Oh dear Aph, I would never leave you alone with the possibility that my jealous ex could hurt you!" he says with a devilish grin on his face. "Cause that my job!" he yells.
"AHHHHHHHH" I scream as I wake up from my reoccurring nightmare! "APH ARE YOU OK!!!" Aaron yells well running up the stairs! "huh oh yah sorry it's just that same nightmare always gets to me one way or another! I just can't move and it scars the living shit out of me!" I say as he walks up and grabs my hand. "Don't be sorry Aph you'll be fine when I'm here!" he says with a reassuring smile! "I always love that smile Aaron" I say as comforting as I can. "* YAWN* oh I should try to get some sleep *YAWN* again" He says with bags under his eyes! "Aaron I'm so sorry if I keep waking you with my nightmares! you should go home and sleep!" I say and he looks at me weirdly. "Why would I leave you alone?!?!" he starts to sound shocked. " Look, Aaron I'll have Garroth Or Dante come over and watch me I'll be fine but you should take a day to relax!" I say as he starts to consider it. "ok I'll go home once Garroth or Dante get here but only when they arrive!" a few minutes later Garroth and Dante both arrive and Aaron leaves after telling Garroth and Dante the rules.
Look you two I don't want any
funny business with Aphamu!
I want her to stay safe and I
want to trust you. I need to
know that you will take good
care of her! Her favorite food
is chicken pot pie! if she want
a drink get her apple juice
or ginger ale! But PLESE
keep an eye out for Michi that's
the only reason I have been
watching over for so long
her and I care for her as
much as you do! I'm going home
if you need anything just call ok!
If I don't answer you have every
right to come into my house
and wake me up BUT PLEASE
keep Aphmau safe!
After Aaron talks to Garroth and Dante for ever he finally leaves and I go back to sleep!


Word count: 450


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